

Well-Known Member
6 Jan 2009
Off to sunny Egypt for 10 Days shortly. Anyone got any tips on what we should or shouldn't be doing when we are there ?
dont eat vegetables unless cooked

dont eat salad for whatever reason

ask that your food is well cooked

food poisoning is very likely in egypt
Great place went last year on a Nile cruise loved it try and see the sites well worth it if your into that kind of thing always agree cost of taxi travel if you go anywhere before setting off and take plenty of English pounds you will get more for your money with sterling and like someone said if you buy anything haggle, down side is you will get mythered of the locals but a simple no thanks usually does the trick, you may get a dicky tummy but it will last only 24hours and it will be hot it is the hottest place i have been too
Tip the people that give you good service in restaurants etc - they will pretty much be living off their tips. Just be wary of total strangers who hold a door for you, offer to load your bags into a cab etc, they will expect you to tip them and get a bit shirty if you don't!

Don't be embarrassed to ignore street hawkers, they know it's all a game and there are lots of other tourists around. They will see your complexion and your clothes and try to speak to you in a whole number of languages (which is pretty impressive). They know that when you hear English, or whatever your own language is, you will automatically turn towards the speaker - that's when they give you the sales pitch in your own language - don't be afraid to keep walking.

This may sound a bit strange but it is genuine advice. Don't ever show the soles of your feet in public, it's a terrible insult to the locals. Not so bad if you're, say, sunbathing amongst a lot of Europeans but not in front of the Egyptians.

Keep drinking water all day, then drink lots more. I got dehydrated once and it was horrible.

Egypt is a fantastic country, can't wait to get back to sailing on the Nile.

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