Elon Musk buys and ruins Twitter

Weird interview. Early on, Musk asks "Who/what is the arbiter of what is misinformation and what is not?". I'd think that the clear and obvious answer is that there are verifiable, objective truths to things, which are the only way (and the best way) of knowing what is misinformation and what is not, and they do exist. Maybe not for everything, but for most things.

You can cite many examples of misinformation that have been permitted on social media under Musk's apparent interpretation of free speech, to which there are truths and evidence showing them to be bullshit. The link between MMR jabs and autism, for example - we know it was based on false research concocted by a charlatan (Andrew Wakefield was struck off for it), yet I still see people push that narrative on Twitter occasionally. There is no need for an arbiter to decide if that is misinformation - the facts tells us it is.

For the interviewer to stumble on that, so early on, it's no wonder he came out looking second-best here.
Weird interview. Early on, Musk asks "Who/what is the arbiter of what is misinformation and what is not?". I'd think that the clear and obvious answer is that there are verifiable, objective truths to things, which are the only way (and the best way) of knowing what is misinformation and what is not, and they do exist. Maybe not for everything, but for most things.

You can cite many examples of misinformation that have been permitted on social media under Musk's apparent interpretation of free speech, to which there are truths and evidence showing them to be bullshit. The link between MMR jabs and autism, for example - we know it was based on false research concocted by a charlatan (Andrew Wakefield was struck off for it), yet I still see people push that narrative on Twitter occasionally. There is no need for an arbiter to decide if that is misinformation - the facts tells us it is.

For the interviewer to stumble on that, so early on, it's no wonder he came out looking second-best here.
The arbiters in other area deal with regulation and law regarding fairness, diligence, accuracy and honesty. You have the courts (applying the laws devised by our elected officials), usually involving juries. And then the other legally appointed bodies. For our journalist sitting there, he should of course realise he is held to be honest, fair and accurate by OFCOM. OFCOM is run on our behalf to maintain standards we have agreed via parliament over the decades. If we disagree or dislike what OFCOM do, we can make an issue out of it politically and politicians get elected or lose their job.

A journalist in their position not knowing this off by heart is (to me) indicative of how far the phenomena of impressionableness affects good willed humans trying to adjust socially.

We are prone to confusion and forgetting very basic tenets of our lives. Post truth is not really a thing, but hearing it makes people a bit empty headed. You could say the conditions for this are our succeptibility to "the effect of the new" / "recency bias". Modern media, social media, confusing cultural dialogue, poor management, cultural ignorance. The crowd effect ensures this is pretty effective in gaslighting people. For people like Trump, Boris and Elon, it's a straight up walkover. They can't believe people are fucking trying to work it out honestly, rather than just challenge them properly with orthodox British / Western representative democratic "doctrine".

Why don't they? Because that doctrine must be outdated! Uhh. How? What were the exact words that changed our culture, our rules, our norms? It's easy to confuse, I guess. I mean, people were really rude and even a bit threatening to the groups who used to wheel these answers out. But that disguises the actual truth. We COULD change it, via parliament and the law. But apart from a new relationship with the EU, we haven't. Sounds like a bigger deal than it ever was, in this respect. The control people talked about, the laws and institutions that frustrate them mostly were our own. Or push come to shove, they will mostly remain in line with what the EU demanded anyway, because that is how the politics in the UK works out.

But because of that massive Brexit moment, all the bluster, somehow, the basics of what is going on and has been going on for decades just vanishes from people's heads. Poof! All gone.
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Weird interview. Early on, Musk asks "Who/what is the arbiter of what is misinformation and what is not?". I'd think that the clear and obvious answer is that there are verifiable, objective truths to things, which are the only way (and the best way) of knowing what is misinformation and what is not, and they do exist. Maybe not for everything, but for most things.

You can cite many examples of misinformation that have been permitted on social media under Musk's apparent interpretation of free speech, to which there are truths and evidence showing them to be bullshit. The link between MMR jabs and autism, for example - we know it was based on false research concocted by a charlatan (Andrew Wakefield was struck off for it), yet I still see people push that narrative on Twitter occasionally. There is no need for an arbiter to decide if that is misinformation - the facts tells us it is.

For the interviewer to stumble on that, so early on, it's no wonder he came out looking second-best here.

It was arranged at the last minute and he was out of his depth.

A daft interview and he ended up coming out of it like Sweaty Andy.

Would have made much more sense to get Stephen Sackur from Hard Talk to do it.
Certainly exposed the bbc

Did he expose him? Or did he brush aside the fact numerous independent organisations tracking racism and hate speech have shown there’s more racism and hate speech on twitter now because the interviewer couldn’t name a specific example?

Elon switches from arguing we have to allow hate speech because free speech is absolute to insisting there’s no more hate speech than there was when it was moderated which everyone knows is a lie,

The bbc interviewer made a mistake a Elon scored some points, but it doesn’t change the fact there is more hate speech on twitter now that he’s allowing literal nazi’s back on to spread their word.
I don't so much defend Elon as try to prevent people becoming complacent. Twitter is still the big draw in social media and is no closer to folding now than it was 6 months ago. Elon CAN carry on like this, as long as he is permitted. I hate seeing people sitting on their hands and cheering as if it's going to the rafters, when it plainly doesn't work like that. It really is going to get worse, and the effects will be greater. The market will not have the effect you imagine. Ever. Social media does not work like that. It works in exactly the opposite way. Elon knows that. People are in total denial about this stuff. If it upsets and offends you, you have to aim the matter back towards the people you vote for.

What we're seeing now is that now the storm has passed, Elon is getting bolder, and is moving towards using the site as a way of shaping what people see. He will be the new fucking Murdoch in about a decade. If he is allowed to. The complacent arrogance about his 'obvious' imminent failure will ensure it happens. People doing this are the gawping crowd that in fact ensures he doesn't fail, he just gets more users.

In the past two weeks, the situation with NPR and the BBC, insisting on labelling them as "State Affiliated Media", implying they are nothing but government propoganda outfits, has led the former to quit.

Perhaps even more troubling is his anti-competitive, anti-freedom of information and speech actions towards the very decent social publishing site Substack.

Twitter removed all sorts of things in any post with links to Substack accounts - no replies, no retweets. They redirected all searches for the term back towards Twitter. The word cannot appear in your popular feed. I'd be horrified if the EU and UK governments didn't regard this worth investigating for abuse.

Substack sample accounts for anyone interested. You DONT have to subscribe. Just hit no. See what you think. Do it. Do something that Elon actually doesn't want.

Couple of city ones;

Finally, if anyone was in doubt about Elon's motivation in signing the 'AI Pause' letter, this ought to clear things up.

He's playing catch up, and would try anything to slow down his competitors.

Twitter under Musks ownership is fucked long term. It’s not going to collapse immediately because a new social media platform can’t just be magicked into existence overnight, but it’s in a death spiral.

Financially it’s in massive trouble, despite Musk claiming advertisers had returned, they’re still down 40% on ad revenue compared to this time last year.

Only 280,000 people bought twitter blue. 0.2% of monthly users.

He’s admitted to wiping 25 billion off the value of the company, and that he was forced to go through with the takeover against his will.

He’s claimed they’re back to breaking even, which seems unlikely although there’s now dozens of pending lawsuits for breach of contract from suppliers he’s just refused to pay, and of course breaking even doesn’t cover the $1Bn a year interest on his debts.

There is no malevolent genius at play here. It’s not all part of some grand scheme to dominate the world. The man tried desperately to not go through with this takeover and got forced into it.
Weird interview. Early on, Musk asks "Who/what is the arbiter of what is misinformation and what is not?". I'd think that the clear and obvious answer is that there are verifiable, objective truths to things, which are the only way (and the best way) of knowing what is misinformation and what is not, and they do exist. Maybe not for everything, but for most things.

You can cite many examples of misinformation that have been permitted on social media under Musk's apparent interpretation of free speech, to which there are truths and evidence showing them to be bullshit. The link between MMR jabs and autism, for example - we know it was based on false research concocted by a charlatan (Andrew Wakefield was struck off for it), yet I still see people push that narrative on Twitter occasionally. There is no need for an arbiter to decide if that is misinformation - the facts tells us it is.

For the interviewer to stumble on that, so early on, it's no wonder he came out looking second-best here.
He has his number before he met him, and was not prepared for an Elton/Carr debate.
I don't so much defend Elon as try to prevent people becoming complacent. Twitter is still the big draw in social media and is no closer to folding now than it was 6 months ago. Elon CAN carry on like this, as long as he is permitted. I hate seeing people sitting on their hands and cheering as if it's going to the rafters, when it plainly doesn't work like that. It really is going to get worse, and the effects will be greater. The market will not have the effect you imagine. Ever. Social media does not work like that. It works in exactly the opposite way. Elon knows that. People are in total denial about this stuff. If it upsets and offends you, you have to aim the matter back towards the people you vote for.

What we're seeing now is that now the storm has passed, Elon is getting bolder, and is moving towards using the site as a way of shaping what people see. He will be the new fucking Murdoch in about a decade. If he is allowed to. The complacent arrogance about his 'obvious' imminent failure will ensure it happens. People doing this are the gawping crowd that in fact ensures he doesn't fail, he just gets more users.

In the past two weeks, the situation with NPR and the BBC, insisting on labelling them as "State Affiliated Media", implying they are nothing but government propoganda outfits, has led the former to quit.

Perhaps even more troubling is his anti-competitive, anti-freedom of information and speech actions towards the very decent social publishing site Substack.

Twitter removed all sorts of things in any post with links to Substack accounts - no replies, no retweets. They redirected all searches for the term back towards Twitter. The word cannot appear in your popular feed. I'd be horrified if the EU and UK governments didn't regard this worth investigating for abuse.

Substack sample accounts for anyone interested. You DONT have to subscribe. Just hit no. See what you think. Do it. Do something that Elon actually doesn't want.

Couple of city ones;

Finally, if anyone was in doubt about Elon's motivation in signing the 'AI Pause' letter, this ought to clear things up.

He's playing catch up, and would try anything to slow down his competitors.
That's an interesting take, Summerbuzz. I suppose it's possible that Musk turns Twitter into some sort of Fox News-like site for the Right.

Still - as a commercial enterprise - Musk does seem to be hellbent on driving potential advertisers away, meanwhile alienating many of its users. Musk can probably do whatever he wants; fund the site with his billions and become Fox News by hook or crook. With virtually every move Musk makes though it seems increasingly unlikely that Twitter will succeed as a commercial venture.

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