Returning the thread to the subject of Musk, even the haters (more of that later) must see him as a remarkable man, given what he’s achieved is just staggering. Starlink, Space X, Tesla, PayPal. (I’ve omitted Twitter) People like Musk change the world and his achievements speak for themselves. Is he likeable…no - not especially; although we mostly see him through the lens of the media (we know from their treatment of City you don’t always get a fair shake from those fuckers). The likes of Musk will do more for Climate Change than a thousand Gretas or Ed Millibands. He is a natural disruptive force of nature - and those people bring about change. Essential - given we’re supposed to be in a crisis.
He’s managed to garner hatred from the Never-Trumpers, UK Labour supporters, the Nigel Faragists, the thousands he fired at Twitter, the many more thousands likely to be fired in the US “State”, the Trans lobby…it’s a long and varied list. Great Leaders, be they in politics, in thought-leadership, industry, business and commerce, science are very rarely “nice” people - if people see them as nice, it’s usually down to either effective PR or simply lack of knowledge. There may be exceptions but I’d say not many. Ghandhi for example was believed to be a paedophile; Mother Theresa’s now thought to be a bit of a twat.
I don’t agree with everything Musk says by a very long chalk, but I do support free speech (within the boundaries of the law) and SOME of the things he says, need to be said. I don’t think he really believes Jess Phillips should go to gaol, it’s just hyperbole. I’m not going to support Tommy Robinson because Musk thinks he’s a “political prisoner” either. I’m not going to vote or not vote for Nigel Farage because of anything Musk says.
But I’m not a hater and I am in awe of his achievements, especially in space travel where he’s achieved so much in such a short time. Almost as much as the collection of Nazis (potentially-War Criminals) rounded up by the Yanks after the war and spirited them away to kick-start their space program.