so who do you think is going to take the heat of andy pandy and will be named as a major public icon as a pedophile to take the heat off him, they will name somebody very soon as this is a major embarrassment to the royals and the way they do thing is run a major story that will dilute this like somebody die's or point the finger at somebody else as a pedophile,
this story is not being brushed under the carpet by the media and internet sites, and people like david icke are now coming to fruit in what they said 20 years ago and the royals are in a mess and andy pandy will need something big to cover his arse or the head of the royals will order another car ride
this story is not being brushed under the carpet by the media and internet sites, and people like david icke are now coming to fruit in what they said 20 years ago and the royals are in a mess and andy pandy will need something big to cover his arse or the head of the royals will order another car ride