Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

I thought she was talking about America.
Since when has Abu Dhabi had an appalling human rights record? It is one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East. Is she getting it mixed up with Saudi Arabia? Amnesty doesn't even mention the UAE in its latest human rights annual report but it does cite the USA, Russia, China and lots of other places including the UK and Australia.
Does the BBC just lump all Arabic countries in together in a racist narrative. No one is suggesting Abu Dhabi has a perfect record on human rights but it is absurd to single it out. It is not regarded globally as an exceptionally bad regime. The UAE is the UK's closest ally in the Gulf region and a major trade partner. This sort of coverage is disgraceful and distorted.

Always thought Annabell Triffid was OK but to deliver a cheap shot line like that set up nicely by a contrived mention into who financed the new arena was a slimy shithousery spiteful thing to do when there could have been more positive things or even more objective things to say. Obviously written by a green eyed monster of a rag who can’t move on.
Who the hell is this woman ?

I’m surprised the Government hasn’t told the Biased Bastard Collective to cut out this onslaught of bias,misreporting,misrepresentation and selective racism against a long standing allie.

I truly hope that there will be a day of profound reckoning....revenge is dish best served cold ....or the mayor of Hiroshima “what the fuck was that” !!
I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. If you look at a country’s all-time human rights record then Britain itself doesn’t look good in comparison to UAE or many other countries. It’s just our westernised agnostic opinion that all countries should be like us now and not like we used to be.

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