I agree whole heartedly with this. I was watching RTE Prime Time last night (I'm in Ireland) about the water crisis here. Shit is literally being bumped into sea to float back up on shore. It requires 13 billion euros to resolve. It was neglected for years. As far as I can tell the EU wanted the Irish government to privatize the water utility in order to then use that to loan money. They didn't get the loans because the thing is a disaster but they wasted millions in the process. The EU also pushed the government to introduce water charges and the government wasted 500 euros per house on meters to gain back about 100 euros per year. I think they said it comes out to 160m. It is impossible to fix the problem with that money. The clear as day answer is that you raise income tax to deal with this and that you identify now all the other things that are neglected (like housing). It is not rocket science. The EU were no help. And where the hell were their regulations and oversight when the service was falling about for the past 40 years?Maybe inners and outers should lobby governments to get to grips with the infrastructure rather than blame immigration. Year on year too few houses are built down in Kent to meet demand. Problem is infrastructure improvements requires spending but nobody want to pay tax to fund them - housing requires space and whilst everybody wants houses they would rather they weren't built near them and whilst new houses would be welcomed in one way on the other hand meeting demand would mean a marked slow down in house price growth or even a drop in house values and nobody in Kent would have the balls to accept that for the good of the country.
The EU like the government here only see the latest fads. Green, freedom of movement, consumption models, centers of excellence, affirmative action, etc. Instead they should be going back to basics, creating and publishing problem statements, outlining sustainable solutions for the long term, putting people first, promoting fairness and equality, setting expectations around citizenship, etc.
I don't know if being outside the EU would help governments focus on the real problems and real solutions. It doesn't seem like being in it is helping anyway. Just seems to me that the EU gives local government the excuses they need to do nothing significant.