EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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That is a pretty pathetic comment and whilst covered up there is an extremely ignorant and xenophobic comment and deeply insulting to Britain and all the people of Europe.

The reality of the outters is showing through tonight hate the swedes , think the Germans are all Nazi's etc

It is this veneer coming off that will win the vote for in I suspect .

That comment is so deeply offensive to so many races and religions it is beyond belief and it is an insult to everyone who fought and died fighting the murdering, genocidal nazi party

It is interesting it is late on a Saturday night after drinks some of the outters start showing their true colours

After some deliberation, I tend to think its futile responding to ignorant posters, I figured why not reply.

Couple of things first i hadnt been drinking when i replied infact i had come home from work to get something I needed, before I left and after I returned I was treating patients black ones, asian ones foreign ones etc so im certainly not racist, besides as im from a minority I cant possibly be racist the left wing say so. Which is ironic as most of the left wing people i know are the most racist people you could meet but as they are also the most facist people you could meet then that figures.

Where in my post does it say all germans are nazis?? Fits your extremest agenda to pretend I said that does it? and what is xenophobic about my post, i have no fear of people of other nationalities at all, you do know thats what xenophobia is dont you?

I did liken the european council to the nazi party as they have some similarities, clearly they havent commited genocide but the Nazi party was more than that.

I will tell you what is deeply offensive to most religions and races, its the european federalists marching toward a dictatorship and its supporters pissing on the graves of those who died to stop that exact thing happening, That is the true insult making the sacrifice of those millions of people irrelevant. A federal europe is what they died trying to stop you can dress it up anyway you like but the reality is my grandfather and 2 of his sons died protecting the freedom of europe it is an insult to them to forget that.

there is nothing racist about wanting to remain a sovereign nation, nothing racist about being patriotic and nothing racist about not wanting other nations to decide what is best for your country
the racist card has lost its effect it has been hijacked by left wing fundamentalist and done to death as they are too stupid to come up with a proper argument.
I find likening the European council to nazi Germany's deeply offensive! the idea that a group of bueracrats who are accused of such grave things as straightening bananas should be likened to a fascist party who murdered the best part of ten million people and caused the deaths of many many millions more is pathetic.

If you want to defend such things by all means do, in many ways is good to see the xenophobia coming to the surface it makes the argument easier.

People complain about the inners being the fear mongers then this......

And there lies your problem you think that the only thing the european council are doing is worrying about bananas. Are you a member of the european council?? if not stop being offended on behalf of other people its pathetic. And I stand by my comment take away the genocide and the other primary aims of the nazi party are coming to fruition that is the goal in that sense they are just like the nazi party, thats why suggesting people visit the graves of the war dead to somehow be convinced we should have a federal europe is an insult and betrayal to millions of people from all nations and religions. If you have no morals to be outraged at that so beit.

Jesus wept it doesnt even sound right "see all those thousands and thousands of graves?, well they died stopping the formation of a federal europe. Look at them think about it, the pain the suffering, the loss, keep that in mind so you always remember why we should have a federal europe" Pathetic and downright insulting
What delusional nonsense.
We are in
We know the terms under which we are in
We know the future terms won't change by voting to stay in.

The outers cannot offer any info whatsoever and resort to infantile scaremongering.
Your record on facts on here leaves a lot to be desired. Even when YOU SHOUT.
What delusional nonsense.
We are in
We know the terms under which we are in
We know the future terms won't change by voting to stay in.

The outers cannot offer any info whatsoever and resort to infantile scaremongering.
I bet this argument was used to convince people to join the Common Market the last time the people were given a say. If you had told the people then that the Common Market would develop into an economic and political union with it's own currency, it's own system of law making which would be superior to our own, it's own law courts which would be superior to our own, would the people have voted for it? The EU has huge challenges ahead, with or without a UK exit. The migrant crisis has tested the free movement of people to breaking point, the Euro is under huge pressure and is causing resentment and economic stagnation across southern Europe, keep your eyes on France where a nationalist party opposed to the EU is expected to do well is upcoming elections. Things are far from stable so to suggest a vote to stay is risk free and offers any degree of certainty is disingenuous and misleading.
And there lies your problem you think that the only thing the european council are doing is worrying about bananas. Are you a member of the european council?? if not stop being offended on behalf of other people its pathetic. And I stand by my comment take away the genocide and the other primary aims of the nazi party are coming to fruition that is the goal in that sense they are just like the nazi party, thats why suggesting people visit the graves of the war dead to somehow be convinced we should have a federal europe is an insult and betrayal to millions of people from all nations and religions. If you have no morals to be outraged at that so beit.

Jesus wept it doesnt even sound right "see all those thousands and thousands of graves?, well they died stopping the formation of a federal europe. Look at them think about it, the pain the suffering, the loss, keep that in mind so you always remember why we should have a federal europe" Pathetic and downright insulting
They didn't die stopping the dormant of a federal Europe, they died fighting the millitary take over of Europe by a murderous , genocidal, fascist regime intent on wiping out large tracts of European populations and militarily crushing a continent. Or they died in ww1 for far less in some eyes for a railway timetable, in some eyes to save Belgium in most eyes because of European a sad European millitary situation where mobilisation was so slow war happened just because no one could take the risk it didn't happen.

Again your post showed why out will most likely lose, there is a thin veneer for some, between dull reality and a scared fantasy where nazis in jackboots are back ...
After some deliberation, I tend to think its futile responding to ignorant posters, I figured why not reply.

Couple of things first i hadnt been drinking when i replied infact i had come home from work to get something I needed, before I left and after I returned I was treating patients black ones, asian ones foreign ones etc so im certainly not racist, besides as im from a minority I cant possibly be racist the left wing say so. Which is ironic as most of the left wing people i know are the most racist people you could meet but as they are also the most facist people you could meet then that figures.

Where in my post does it say all germans are nazis?? Fits your extremest agenda to pretend I said that does it? and what is xenophobic about my post, i have no fear of people of other nationalities at all, you do know thats what xenophobia is dont you?

I did liken the european council to the nazi party as they have some similarities, clearly they havent commited genocide but the Nazi party was more than that.

I will tell you what is deeply offensive to most religions and races, its the european federalists marching toward a dictatorship and its supporters pissing on the graves of those who died to stop that exact thing happening, That is the true insult making the sacrifice of those millions of people irrelevant. A federal europe is what they died trying to stop you can dress it up anyway you like but the reality is my grandfather and 2 of his sons died protecting the freedom of europe it is an insult to them to forget that.

there is nothing racist about wanting to remain a sovereign nation, nothing racist about being patriotic and nothing racist about not wanting other nations to decide what is best for your country
the racist card has lost its effect it has been hijacked by left wing fundamentalist and done to death as they are too stupid to come up with a proper argument.

There is nothing xenophobic about wanting independence , comparing the European council on so many levels to one of the most genocidal regimes in history on so many levels showed great ignorance.

Maybe I was being unfair and it was just drunken, exaggerated hyperbole not xenophobia? But is suspect if that was real you wouldn't be so defensive?
Why will we have to spend it on civil servants?

Unless of course you are admitting that most of our laws and policies are coming straight from Europe these days, something the in campaign is going to great lengths to deny?

We already have a political system in place, albeit not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and a civil service perfectly able to run the country.

We do not need to prop up financially a political dream of a united states of Europe held by the Germans and French any longer and nor should we.

NATO keeps us safe, America is and always will be our greatest ally, we can trade with the world on our terms and most of all, our taxes can be spent on our own population and country, regardless of how unwisely the government of the day chooses to do so.
Because we will now have all sorts of negotiations to finalise, rules to create, rules to monitor, trade deals to look after, new taxes and tariffs to OT (and indeed collect), rules we are not party to to enforce, rules we are party to to enforce, borders to review in different ways, airports to redesign, funding mechanisms to change etc etc. That's without the actual negotiating out and one off costs and time for many many years as we exit.

We won't be getting anymore what we used to pay for , we will have new rules and will thus be setting up to do it ourselves (what the out team want) but all that won't happen by magic. This may be what out wants it will be British jobs I assume mainly for existing civil servants with a new wave recruited to replace across the board.

Most of our Laws do come domestically but as I have said before I don't care where the laws come from, I care whether they are good or bad laws or good or bad for people. A good law from Brussels is better than a bad law from London. I will never be of the view that the quality of a law depends on the nationality of who makes it .
Most of our Laws do come domestically but as I have said before I don't care where the laws come from, I care whether they are good or bad laws or good or bad for people. A good law from Brussels is better than a bad law from London. I will never be of the view that the quality of a law depends on the nationality of who makes it .

If Brussels enforces a bad law, how do you propose we repeal it?
So what you're saying is the highly skilled immigrants, are not going to come here because of our shit weather and tax system, but we apparently need the millions of unskilled workers that, at present, are allowed to live and
work here? Plus, apparently, according to your reckoning, we apparently need these legions of sandwich fillers and hotel cleaners, as everything will collapse if we deny them entry, as their contribution supports us.
I'd love to know how hundreds of thousands of unskilled immigrants entering yearly helps the UK economy. Considering the biggest purchasers of property in London are affluent French, (the type that do help the economy),
and have moved here to avoid the wonderful socialist government there that taxes the shit out of them, I would suggest that our tax system, the maximum rate being 45%, is more attractive than most.
Why on earth we would need to massively expand a far from understaffed civil service on leaving, is again a strange supposition.
The tax system is more attractive than most European tax systems I would agree but globally you are fighting for the best talent with North America and Asia and there it is grossly un-competitive.

The reality is also that Britain will continue to take in young , unskilled immigrants as at the moment you haven't even admitted to let alone addressed the demographic challenge and the issue of the Ponzi scheme most of the world is in,dealing with their ageing population.

It seems to me the whole debate is both sides pretending this is the big problem so they can kick the can down the road for another decade of what the real problems are.
If Brussels enforces a bad law, how do you propose we repeal it?
Like when the UK enforces a bad law that would depend on what kind of bad law it was, why it was bad, whether the current government (or council) was behind it, was it bad in intent or badly written. Like bad law in the UK it could take many years or government changes or it could never be enforced but would be unique to every sutuation.
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