Eu workers over British.

You aren't being discriminated against. They are simply giving the job to someone who is willing to do the things you aren't, it's the complete opposite of discrimination.

This is it really. I dont get paid overtime but I spent years working way more than my contracted hours while others sloped off each day as quick as they could. I now earn a lot more than those who put less in to work than i did. Is that discrimination or is it rewarding those that are prepared to work hard?
This is agency work, so no interview has taken place. I find they're hard working up until they get taken on as full time workers. They then become just like the rest of us. A mix of great workers and lazy workers.

I'm a good worker that has built myself up to a reasonably skilled job in metrology. I also work with other British workers that do a very good job!. Going by your attitude, if we all lost our jobs tomorrow, we'd be at the back of the queue due to the generalising that the likes of yourself are doing!. As stated, it's discrimination!.

They're here for one reason, to work and earn money. The British are here because it's our home!. We work, pay the bills and then try and do whatever on our spare time to unwind. I don't do overtime as I like to live my life rather than work all my life. Why should the likes of myself be punished just because we're nor greedy and suck corporate cock?.
As has been stated by a few posters; it's not discrimination.
Your last point backs up what I was saying about differences in attitude towards work/earning between the likes of you and them.
You sound like you have an axe to grind, or some other issues surrounding foreign workers rights to living and working over here so I'm out.
Enjoy your spare time.
This is it really. I dont get paid overtime but I spent years working way more than my contracted hours while others sloped off each day as quick as they could. I now earn a lot more than those who put less in to work than i did. Is that discrimination or is it rewarding those that are prepared to work hard?
Piss taker. >:(
At what point did I say I hadn't taken these people on? If you had read my post correctly rather than ignoring most of it you will see that I said it was hard as an employer to do the right thing...i.e be fair to everyone. I never once refused to employ someone who didn't want to work weekends or do extra. Not once. Nor did I not employ women. Not everything in business is black and white.

I am not so sure you read your own post properly fella, it was you who said it was HARD sometimes and that you TRIED to do the right thing
Aaah...but I didn't say I didn't do the right thing now did I?

I am sure if a woman, a manc and a pole(sounds like the start of a Bernhard manning joke)were sat in front of you with good cv's and came across very well your views on babies,sickness and overtime wouldn't even enter your head and you would DO the right thing, sorry I mean TRY and do the right thing as they are obviously the same.

In fact you are that fair I'm surprised you even posted about the other stuff

Ps you can send me some air fare, If you see me spending it in the pub please believe me I TRIED to buy a plane ticket.
I am sure if a woman, a manc and a pole(sounds like the start of a Bernhard manning joke)were sat in front of you with good cv's and came across very well your views on babies,sickness and overtime wouldn't even enter your head and you would DO the right thing, sorry I mean TRY and do the right thing as they are obviously the same
You're ignoring the responsibility of the interviewer to recommend the most capable people for the role. To hire an Englishman or a Woman who was less suited to the role than the foreign national, just to make up the numbers, would be, well, discrimination.
You aren't being discriminated against. They are simply giving the job to someone who is willing to do the things you aren't, it's the complete opposite of discrimination.

I work to my contact!. It is discrimination. They're assuming an English person won't do ot before even giving them a chance!. To say it's the opposite to discrimination is utter bollocks lol.
You're ignoring the responsibility of the interviewer to recommend the most capable people for the role. To hire an Englishman or a Woman who was less suited to the role than the foreign national, just to make up the numbers, would be, well, discrimination.

I said they were equally suitable for the role, it is there in black and white

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