Eu workers over British.

As has been stated by a few posters; it's not discrimination.
Your last point backs up what I was saying about differences in attitude towards work/earning between the likes of you and them.
You sound like you have an axe to grind, or some other issues surrounding foreign workers rights to living and working over here so I'm out.
Enjoy your spare time.

I said they were equally suitable for the role, it is there in black and white

I'm assuming your firm requests some workers from an agency and they then take what arrives, so is it the agency that's possibly discriminating?

Could well be!. Or are they told what to send?. They're actually probably given a list of suitable workers via the agency and they then take their pick.
Could well be!. Or are they told what to send?. They're actually probably given a list of suitable workers via the agency and they then take their pick.

Well educated people from countries in the EU with high rates of unemployment or low wages, will seek out jobs here in the UK which are below their skill set. Go to any poor or relatively poor country and you'll find skilled people, doctors and engineers driving taxis. The free movement of Labour in the EU means that employers you can get better for less, or at least better for the same price.

The Latvian girl who serves me coffee in town has a degree in physics.

But I bet his job doesn't involve agency workers.

If you read back, I state my job title. It's a skilled job but it still doesn't stop me from seeing what is going on around me. Sounds to me like you're trying to belittle someone depending on the job they do?. Pretty shallow really.

Regardless of job,I do try to enjoy life!. I work to a level where I make my company shit loads of money. The previous poster has pre judged me and thinks I just party my wages away. I'm well into the 30's, so partying is at a minimum. I actually own a canal boat and go away in it most weekends. It's my escapism and without sounding too cheesey, I've learnt alot more about living life by getting away from it all for a couple of days, then a few slots of overtime will ever teach me. So good luck to the guy when he looks back on life and cherishes all that time at work he's had.
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If you read back, I state my job title. It's a skilled job but it still doesn't stop me from seeing what is going on around me. Sounds to me like you're trying to belittle someone depending on the job they do?. Pretty shallow really.

Regardless of job,I do try to enjoy life!. I work to a level where I make my company shit loads of money. The previous poster has pre judged me and thinks I just party my wages away. I'm well into the 30's, so partying is at a minimum. I actually own a canal boat and go away in it most weekends. It's my escapism and without sounding too cheesey, I've learnt alot more about living life by getting away from it all for a couple of days, then a few slots of overtime will ever teach me. So good luck to the guy when he looks back on life and cherishes all that time at work he's had.
So why are you moaning?, live and let live.
So why are you moaning?, live and let live.

Because my job is one that I worked my way up to from the areas where I feel British people aren't getting a fare deal. I work alongside these areas. I'm not the type of person that thinks "iv moved on now, so fook you lot".

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind eu migrants but my point, that seems to be overlooked, is that there now seems to be a complete stop on British being given jobs . I originally asked if this could be seen as discrimination. I do want out of the eu as we ARE being over looked as workers. Wages will drop and so will the way workers are valued- no matter where you're from.

Is someone really in the wrong when they see a very large number of workers being brought in a period of time and none of these are British?. Is it not something to start asking questions about?.
Because my job is one that I worked my way up to from the areas where I feel British people aren't getting a fare deal. I work alongside these areas. I'm not the type of person that thinks "iv moved on now, so fook you lot".

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind eu migrants but my point, that seems to be overlooked, is that there now seems to be a complete stop on British being given jobs . I originally asked if this could be seen as discrimination. I do want out of the eu as we ARE being over looked as workers. Wages will drop and so will the way workers are valued- no matter where you're from.

Is someone really in the wrong when they see a very large number of workers being brought in a period of time and none of these are British?. Is it not something to start asking questions about?.
Are you implying there was no such thing as mass unemployment prior to the EU arrivals?

Who exactly are these British you speak of? Historically we're a mass melting pot of people from all over the globe. Pakistani, Indian, Irish, Jewish, West Indian, Chinese, Turkish, Greeks, Italians, French, Germans, Spanish, Middle Eastern, West African, Roman, Viking, Saxon, Norman.
I hate to admit this as it goes against my "lefty" leanings but the fact is that migrant workers for all the reasons stated already ( freedom of movement - better rates of pay etc ) are attracted here from lower paying poorly performing economies abroad. Also it cannot be denied that British workers have been allowed to be too lazy and turn down work. Thats why Poles get their hands dirty harvesting when Lincolnshire lads would rather not work seasonably and why Latvian degree holders serve coffee over here. I often considered that stereotype wrong but I no longer feel thats the case.

Employers will employ the "best " people for the job. When it comes to overtime then maybe a lad from Polan may do extra hours - he may only have to go back to digs full of blokes rather than a family after all.

Listening on the radio in the car - god bless DAB Lol - and farmers are worried - no freedom of movement no labour ( won't use the epithet cheap as minimum / living wage means they would all earn the same ) - they know that British people just will not gather the harvest - they would have to raise wages to attract workers and the supermarkets won't fund that. Also subsidies will end if we exit the EU and the NFU has no confidence that £350m pw ( really an net £162m ) will be used to match £ for £ the subsidies when they end ...... there are facts over immigration that we may not like but we will have to face.

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