EURO 2012: Semi Final Day 2. Germany V Italy

prairiemoon said:
Whew. That was a tense one. DiNatale is far to good to to miss that chance he had @82min..shame about that.

The ref had a few sketchy decisions, but none as iffy as that phantom handball.

I wouldn't say Italy bossed it until the final 20 minutes or so. Germany had quite a few chances and long stretches of possession.

After this performance I expect Italy to defeat Spain.

Love Mario, but Buffon MotM for me.
Buffon - great keeper but he actually had one of his weaker games, gaffed at least twice which could have led to German goals.

MotM - if not Balo, then surely Pirlo, over and over again.

I agree that Italy have a good chance against Spain. And I think the Italians now play a more varied and attractive form of football.
what a masterpiece of misjudgement by Mr. Löw. When i saw the line-up with Kroos, Gomez and Podolski i was already willing to leave my pub.
After getting a bit giddy about Balotelli, I must say full credit to Italy. Not only was that the most entertaining match of the Euro's by far, the football was fantastic. Great defending, moving forward with a purpose, Pirlo outstanding again, De Rossi again doing his best impression of an impassable object, and the break aways at the end should have easily lead to more goals. Helped in part by the wrong German team from the start granted, but that was no shit side out there, and they were superb to get past them in the way they did.
Podolski was out of form in three matches.
And Gomez needs space and wingers that deliver. So obvious, that he won´t work vs. Italy
And Kroos to take Pirlo out of the match. What a plan was that?
Everyone expected Reus and Klose to start, which would have given Özil much more options.
Cleary Löw´s fault. Like 2010. When it comes to the final matches, he misses it completely
I do think some of the blame has to go to lowe. Gomez, podolski and kroos were surprising. If he chose podolski for his experience over reus than why not klose? im sure he has his reasons but kroos to mark pirlo out of the game when you have players like khedira and bender in the squad? the sudden lose of confidence in mueller was also weird. Reus, khedira, ozil and neuer can walk away from that game with their heads held high.
That being said they weren't a bad side, had some decent chances but italy are playing to the top of their abilities. Their defenders were fantastic, their midfield is outstanding and cassano & balotelli finally clicked. The only thing i was disappointed on was bringing on di natale instead of giovinco, the pace he has and hitting germany on the counter like they did could've been brutal.
Now they have a full back four italy can adapt a backline of 3 or 4 depending on whether spain play with a striker or not. I've got hope for this italian side not only to stop spain getting that 3rd consecutive trophy but to outplay them, because after their first game everyone since has been afraid to take the game to them.

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