Eurovision 2024

It has, it’s just the coverage is more widespread these days.

Voting has always been a nonsense anyway.

One of its best attributes is the lack of seriousness that it takes in itself.

Agree completely, it is just about the most unserious competition going and all the pearl clutching is endlessly funny to me. And it tends to come from the kind of people who claim they're sick of "cancel culture" and that "everybody gets offended at everything these days". The irony isn't lost on me. They should take their own advice and just leave people to enjoy what they enjoy.

Besides, if you actually watch it, it tends to be a mix of absolutely every possible cultural influence, from the very mainstream to the completely outlandish. It's not like every single act is trying to outgay the last one. There's usually a lot of folk music in there, for example. There's representation from most genres, which I think is brilliant and something you won't find anywhere else.

I mean... these guys won once...


They're hardly Right Said Fred.
Dutch act banned for allegedly harassing a member of a production staff is right, although a tad hypocritical considering the stance on Israel.

Most of the people involved have mental health issues, it must be terrifying for someone wandering around not on an hallucinogenic drug or straight.
Be interesting to see all of the acts just stand in silence - obviously the Israel act would belt it out

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