Even Though I'm Not Robinho's Biggest Fan....

I cannot wait for him to play on Saturday.
He is our best player. He can do things on the pitch nobody else in our team can.

If he played against us everyone would be saying he would rip us apart and how great he is.

For some reason its fun for some people to slate our best players.

I like him playing on the left but the idea of a free role behind Ade is very appealing. You wouldnt be able to pick him up and he'd score even more in a cental role.

Could play

Ade upfront

Tevez and Robbie in free roles behind

Then 3 General Midfields, maybe Barry, Ireland, Kompmay or De Jong?

Just an idea but then again ive not included SWP or Bellers.....
MCfcBOB said:
I think he's going to tear Hull apart at the seams.
I'm just worried that Hughes will replace a key player....

I can see Hughes replacing Bellamy, even though Tevez has been poor recently.
But we'll wait and see.

City 3-0 Hull.

Robinho, Adebayor (2)

hope so .. they're both in my dream team .. swp to provide the assists will top it off .. hehe
Gaz in Belgium said:
The team should be built around Robbie. He can do stuff no one else in the prem can do.

This. If he replaces a 'key' player, he'll be replacing him with THE key player.

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