Been through the mill a few times when ive thought about it, but the kids have always made me feel like i owe the to stay at it, that and thinking that things can only get better, whats the worst that can happen, living on the streets ani't that bad when i've seen real poverty whole familes living by the roadside begging for a few Rupees..
I am i favour of, is what now is called Assisted death for people with a terminal illness
I had a friend at school who lost his dad in a accident some of the lads teased him about it. i never did as he was a mate and i used to go to his house. A good few years later when we lost contact i heard that he killed himself, i was gobsmacked and felt so sorry for not keeping in contact with him and could only try to imagine what his mum and brother were going through.
Bigga, your friend Dave did he hang himself in Heaton Park by any chance..?
Knew a lad called Dave who hung himself there :(