Hi lads and lasses.
I come in peace and just wanted to say a few things on your site.
I have read, as you all have, the report from the echo. If it's true, I'm sure anyone would condemn such actions...if it's true!!! I personally can't see it as I can't imagine any fans would stand by and let such a thing happen. I know many City fans due to work, and have always got along great with them all.
Like most "stories" in the LIVERPOOL Echo, we either take them with a pinch of salt or simply ignore them. This is the newspaper that most Evertonians won't even read due to its biased coverage of a certain other team....very selective reporting and coverage of historic misdemeanours you might say.
We WERE beaten by the better team in the semi yes we were pissed off with the decision but not with City. It was simply a "why us"? moment. We're more pissed off with a manager who has now began looking elsewhere for why we're crap rather than looking at himself.
Don't think for one moment that we don't like city, quite the opposite in fact. I think you'll find you've got a lot more support from this side than you think. It only tends to be the moronic cyber warriors (as most clubs have) that try to stir shit up. I suppose I can add the LIVERPOOL Echo to that list.
So good luck for the rest of the season lads and ladesses and rest assured, every single one of us will be cheering you on when you stick 5 past the Devils spawn.