Everton Vs City Post Match Discussion Thread

Badwool76 said:
black mamba said:
Badwool76 said:
Reading some of the deluded comments left on here by so called City supporters is hilarious. Cup final this cup final that. It was a league game coming off the back of one of the most pitiful performances many Evertonians had ever had the misfortune of seeing. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Manchester City or QPR, regardless of who it was that turned up they were going to be up against a team who were out for blood.

Some City supporters it seems are either bandwagon jumper and have delusions of grandeur or are quickly turning into cringeworthy kopites with a nice side line in talking complete shite.

Everton are a bigger club than City full stop end of story. Think not ? Then get you're history out and lets compare eh.

Goodison has few peers when its rocking and rolling, many a team have gone to bits, you weren't the first and you will not be the last. No shame in it.

I do not dislike City I wish them well but lose the big I am comments because you simply are not on that level......yet.

Everton will never be a bigger club than City ..... even if we really had NO history !

Yes , Goodison can have it's moments ...... but Maine Road could , on its finest occasions , equal ANY grounds atmosphere.
I have a feeling you actually believe that. Deluded.
Everton are the 4th most successful team in English football. Only Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal are more successful. Don't see City in there do you ?
I remember going to Maine road and having railway stones throw at me in the Kippax stand. Proper horrible place it used to be and one the best away trips BITD. Now going to City is like a day out. Its a shame the way English football grounds have gone. I sort of feel for you in a way because as old and decrepit as Goodison is it still hasn't lost that rabid snarling atmosphere when it matters
i think you need a period in the 2nd or 3rd teir of english football to really see how big you are.
Badwool76 said:
citykev28 said:
Badwool76 said:
Reading some of the deluded comments left on here by so called City supporters is hilarious. Cup final this cup final that. It was a league game coming off the back of one of the most pitiful performances many Evertonians had ever had the misfortune of seeing. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Manchester City or QPR, regardless of who it was that turned up they were going to be up against a team who were out for blood.

Some City supporters it seems are either bandwagon jumper and have delusions of grandeur or are quickly turning into cringeworthy kopites with a nice side line in talking complete shite.

Everton are a bigger club than City full stop end of story. Think not ? Then get you're history out and lets compare eh.

Goodison has few peers when its rocking and rolling, many a team have gone to bits, you weren't the first and you will not be the last. No shame in it.

I do not dislike City I wish them well but lose the big I am comments because you simply are not on that level......yet.

Shame it wasn't "rocking and rolling" in the FA Cup quarter final against Wigan Athletic last week isn't it? Do you not find it strange that both yourselves and Liverpool seem able to go up a couple of gears for the visits of each other, City and United? Kind of like Oldham when the two of you went to Boundary Park for ties a month or two ago.
Its called rivalry mate and that's what makes English football special. United and Everton have a sort of grudging respect going though when we play them at our place there is usually no quarter given whereas them and L*verpool fucking detest each other and its nasty.

Everton probably do have something to prove against City because we earned our history the old fashioned way whereas City have the Chelsea thing going on. No bitterness from me though that's modern football for you. I wish you well.

I don't hate you I never will. I fucking hate L*verpool, that's the game every Evertonian wants to win above all others.

you dont have talk some shite. Everton and their fans have pretty much begged for financial backing yet when other teams do it there is issues.

use do play like a cup final against us andnits you who's deluded if you think otherwise and if I was an Everton fan id be annoyed how your club can raise its game against better teams yet utter dog shit against lesser sides.

you have a point to prove with city. Bitter about lescott and jealous about our money and that's why every time your players work their bollocks off and for one of the few occasions your fans make noise for this game. Obviously Liverpool is your main game but we are not far behind it at all the way you celebrate a victory over a team with no history as you put it proves that.

You can keep turning up for you 4 or 5 games a season but I hope you enjoy you boring mediocrity. You may have history but that's because your small time, shit ground, shit fans, potless club ARE history. I will just keep watching city lift trophies. All the best
Mark - TheBlue said:
Badwool76 said:
citykev28 said:
Shame it wasn't "rocking and rolling" in the FA Cup quarter final against Wigan Athletic last week isn't it? Do you not find it strange that both yourselves and Liverpool seem able to go up a couple of gears for the visits of each other, City and United? Kind of like Oldham when the two of you went to Boundary Park for ties a month or two ago.
Its called rivalry mate and that's what makes English football special. United and Everton have a sort of grudging respect going though when we play them at our place there is usually no quarter given whereas them and L*verpool fucking detest each other and its nasty.

Everton probably do have something to prove against City because we earned our history the old fashioned way whereas City have the Chelsea thing going on. No bitterness from me though that's modern football for you. I wish you well.

I don't hate you I never will. I fucking hate L*verpool, that's the game every Evertonian wants to win above all others.

Right wanted to ask an Everton fan this for a while. Would you be happy with a City style take over and funding?
Depends mate. If it was someone like Abramovitch given the way he runs the club and the circus like atmosphere that parades around the place then no I wouldn't.
Yourselves do not seem to have it that bad. Tell me if I am wrong but you're backers seem to be going about things in a sort of cordial manner and don't interfere all that much ?

Kenwright is a liar, the man is a PR spin machine. He wants 150 million for us which is frankly laughable and explains why any potential buyers have probably pissed themselves and gone and bought a team such as yourselves.<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:59 pm --<br /><br />
ballinio said:
Badwool76 said:
black mamba said:
Everton will never be a bigger club than City ..... even if we really had NO history !

Yes , Goodison can have it's moments ...... but Maine Road could , on its finest occasions , equal ANY grounds atmosphere.
I have a feeling you actually believe that. Deluded.
Everton are the 4th most successful team in English football. Only Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal are more successful. Don't see City in there do you ?
I remember going to Maine road and having railway stones throw at me in the Kippax stand. Proper horrible place it used to be and one the best away trips BITD. Now going to City is like a day out. Its a shame the way English football grounds have gone. I sort of feel for you in a way because as old and decrepit as Goodison is it still hasn't lost that rabid snarling atmosphere when it matters
i think you need a period in the 2nd or 3rd teir of english football to really see how big you are.
City are not as big as Everton. If you asked anyone with half a clue they would tell you the same. Sorry to break it to you
Badwool76 said:
Mark - TheBlue said:
Badwool76 said:
Its called rivalry mate and that's what makes English football special. United and Everton have a sort of grudging respect going though when we play them at our place there is usually no quarter given whereas them and L*verpool fucking detest each other and its nasty.

Everton probably do have something to prove against City because we earned our history the old fashioned way whereas City have the Chelsea thing going on. No bitterness from me though that's modern football for you. I wish you well.

I don't hate you I never will. I fucking hate L*verpool, that's the game every Evertonian wants to win above all others.

Right wanted to ask an Everton fan this for a while. Would you be happy with a City style take over and funding?
Depends mate. If it was someone like Abramovitch given the way he runs the club and the circus like atmosphere that parades around the place then no I wouldn't.
Yourselves do not seem to have it that bad. Tell me if I am wrong but you're backers seem to be going about things in a sort of cordial manner and don't interfere all that much ?

Kenwright is a liar, the man is a PR spin machine. He wants 150 million for us which is frankly laughable and explains why any potential buyers have probably pissed themselves and gone and bought a team such as yourselves.

They don't interfere as much as Abramovitch he is there allot of the time and I think his decision making is very knee jerky at times. We are sorting out a huge new training complex as. The problems you have though is now with financial fair play you need a backer to not only buy and sort out a new stadium but even after that he can't really improve the team much anymore under the new regs.
Badwool76 said:
City are not as big as Everton. If you asked anyone with half a clue they would tell you the same. Sorry to break it to you

Change your name to Backward 76. Deluded twat.
Badwool76 wrote:
citykev28 wrote:
Badwool76 wrote:
Reading some of the deluded comments left on here by so called City supporters is hilarious. Cup final this cup final that. It was a league game coming off the back of one of the most pitiful performances many Evertonians had ever had the misfortune of seeing. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Manchester City or QPR, regardless of who it was that turned up they were going to be up against a team who were out for blood.

Some City supporters it seems are either bandwagon jumper and have delusions of grandeur or are quickly turning into cringeworthy kopites with a nice side line in talking complete shite.

Everton are a bigger club than City full stop end of story. Think not ? Then get you're history out and lets compare eh.

Goodison has few peers when its rocking and rolling, many a team have gone to bits, you weren't the first and you will not be the last. No shame in it.

I do not dislike City I wish them well but lose the big I am comments because you simply are not on that level......yet.

Shame it wasn't "rocking and rolling" in the FA Cup quarter final against Wigan Athletic last week isn't it? Do you not find it strange that both yourselves and Liverpool seem able to go up a couple of gears for the visits of each other, City and United? Kind of like Oldham when the two of you went to Boundary Park for ties a month or two ago.

Its called rivalry mate and that's what makes English football special. United and Everton have a sort of grudging respect going though when we play them at our place there is usually no quarter given whereas them and L*verpool fucking detest each other and its nasty.

Everton probably do have something to prove against City because we earned our history the old fashioned way whereas City have the Chelsea thing going on. No bitterness from me though that's modern football for you. I wish you well.

I don't hate you I never will. I fucking hate L*verpool, that's the game every Evertonian wants to win above all others.

suggest you check your history mate !!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.toffeeweb.com/club/business/chairmen/moores.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.toffeeweb.com/club/business/ ... moores.php</a>

Everton FC were perhaps the first beneficiary of a mega-rich sugar daddy in Sir John Moores. The financial clout and relative success that was brought to the club under his direction in the 1960s was to become a rare period of post-war glory for the Blues. The failure to build effectively on this tremendous advantage was squandered by a boardroom that lacked any vision, sense of investment or a will to prepare for the future, made all the worse with the sickening ascendancy of neigbours Liverpool through the 1970s.

Were you not know as the millionaires ?
Tom_mcfc said:
Badwool76 said:
citykev28 said:
Shame it wasn't "rocking and rolling" in the FA Cup quarter final against Wigan Athletic last week isn't it? Do you not find it strange that both yourselves and Liverpool seem able to go up a couple of gears for the visits of each other, City and United? Kind of like Oldham when the two of you went to Boundary Park for ties a month or two ago.
Its called rivalry mate and that's what makes English football special. United and Everton have a sort of grudging respect going though when we play them at our place there is usually no quarter given whereas them and L*verpool fucking detest each other and its nasty.

Everton probably do have something to prove against City because we earned our history the old fashioned way whereas City have the Chelsea thing going on. No bitterness from me though that's modern football for you. I wish you well.

I don't hate you I never will. I fucking hate L*verpool, that's the game every Evertonian wants to win above all others.

you dont have talk some shite. Everton and their fans have pretty much begged for financial backing yet when other teams do it there is issues.

use do play like a cup final against us andnits you who's deluded if you think otherwise and if I was an Everton fan id be annoyed how your club can raise its game against better teams yet utter dog shit against lesser sides.

you have a point to prove with city. Bitter about lescott and jealous about our money and that's why every time your players work their bollocks off and for one of the few occasions your fans make noise for this game. Obviously Liverpool is your main game but we are not far behind it at all the way you celebrate a victory over a team with no history as you put it proves that.

You can keep turning up for you 4 or 5 games a season but I hope you enjoy you boring mediocrity. You may have history but that's because your small time, shit ground, shit fans, potless club ARE history. I will just keep watching city lift trophies. All the best

Have you finished you're homework ? School tomorrow lad. If am wrong and you're not 12 years old then well f*ck me you've got problems
Sky Blue said:
Badwool76 said:
City are not as big as Everton. If you asked anyone with half a clue they would tell you the same. Sorry to break it to you

Change your name to Backward 76. Deluded twat.

How is that? More fans? Bigger stadium? More revenue? World stars? Champions league? Premier league champions? Recognised world wide?
Cons Dad said:
Badwool76 wrote:
citykev28 wrote:
Badwool76 wrote:
Reading some of the deluded comments left on here by so called City supporters is hilarious. Cup final this cup final that. It was a league game coming off the back of one of the most pitiful performances many Evertonians had ever had the misfortune of seeing. It wouldn't have mattered if it was Manchester City or QPR, regardless of who it was that turned up they were going to be up against a team who were out for blood.

Some City supporters it seems are either bandwagon jumper and have delusions of grandeur or are quickly turning into cringeworthy kopites with a nice side line in talking complete shite.

Everton are a bigger club than City full stop end of story. Think not ? Then get you're history out and lets compare eh.

Goodison has few peers when its rocking and rolling, many a team have gone to bits, you weren't the first and you will not be the last. No shame in it.

I do not dislike City I wish them well but lose the big I am comments because you simply are not on that level......yet.

Shame it wasn't "rocking and rolling" in the FA Cup quarter final against Wigan Athletic last week isn't it? Do you not find it strange that both yourselves and Liverpool seem able to go up a couple of gears for the visits of each other, City and United? Kind of like Oldham when the two of you went to Boundary Park for ties a month or two ago.

Its called rivalry mate and that's what makes English football special. United and Everton have a sort of grudging respect going though when we play them at our place there is usually no quarter given whereas them and L*verpool fucking detest each other and its nasty.

Everton probably do have something to prove against City because we earned our history the old fashioned way whereas City have the Chelsea thing going on. No bitterness from me though that's modern football for you. I wish you well.

I don't hate you I never will. I fucking hate L*verpool, that's the game every Evertonian wants to win above all others.

suggest you check your history mate !!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.toffeeweb.com/club/business/chairmen/moores.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.toffeeweb.com/club/business/ ... moores.php</a>

Everton FC were perhaps the first beneficiary of a mega-rich sugar daddy in Sir John Moores. The financial clout and relative success that was brought to the club under his direction in the 1960s was to become a rare period of post-war glory for the Blues. The failure to build effectively on this tremendous advantage was squandered by a boardroom that lacked any vision, sense of investment or a will to prepare for the future, made all the worse with the sickening ascendancy of neigbours Liverpool through the 1970s.

Were you not know as the millionaires ?
The modern game and its riches on offer are light years away from ANYTHING that has gone before. I think we both know that. Its pointless comparing really.

We have been held back by a delusional board led by Kenwright who want a frankly ludicrous return (150 million) from a twenty million investment.

I wish you well, I do not hate you. You are modern football.
ethan23 said:
Sky Blue said:
Badwool76 said:
City are not as big as Everton. If you asked anyone with half a clue they would tell you the same. Sorry to break it to you

Change your name to Backward 76. Deluded twat.

How is that? More fans? Bigger stadium? More revenue? World stars? Champions league? Premier league champions? Recognised world wide?

tbf though based on right now we outcompete liverpool in all those things, and they are way bigger than us in terms of being recognised and support.

We are both big clubs :)

dont mind everton, got some good players in baines, good up and coming players like barkley.

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