Every game i see....

When you have referees like we have in this premier then mario has no chance, then you have the redknapps campaign against him even abusing the lad on a third rate quiz show, then an ex official saying mario deserves punishing even for his haircut, I will ask you this if he had been signed by ferguson do you think he would have been treated the same, I very much doubt it, he's a young lad who should be left to prove his worth.
Mancio said:
salfordblues said:
Barring the Everton game, that was his best cameo in a City shirt. ]

He often struggles to get into the game when comes off the bench but last night was very encouraging.

maybe becouse there was an honest referee

Yeh I agree mate!
glen quagmire said:
whothefisAlice said:
As of today Balo is not even in the top 15 probably even 20 players on the planet. He has a long way to even be considered in the same sentence as a Ronaldo.

Half term in the yooeseh?

HAHA "yooeseh"

took me a while
mancunial said:
When you have referees like we have in this premier then mario has no chance, then you have the redknapps campaign against him even abusing the lad on a third rate quiz show, then an ex official saying mario deserves punishing even for his haircut, I will ask you this if he had been signed by ferguson do you think he would have been treated the same, I very much doubt it, he's a young lad who should be left to prove his worth.

Agree with all this!
Agree with the first part he is getting better with every minute

But he has a long long long way to go to be as good as Ronaldo

lol, no he doesn't. I don't think you remember Ronaldo at Balos age, Balo is twice the player.<br /><br />-- Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:09 am --<br /><br />
Chippy_boy said:
glen quagmire said:
Armaan said:
I notice Balo getting better game after game.... This guys going to be as good as Ronaldo. I love him.

Is it half term already?

A bit harsh that.

There's something about Mario that's really special. It would not surprise me in the least if in time he became rated as the best player in the world.

He will never be considered the best in the world as long as Messi is alive....
Whilst all of this off the field stuff is great, it's about time he started to deliver a bit of substance in support of the rhetoric. One flash of brilliance vs Villa is just not enough..

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