Everyone at the game tonight show Robbie your support

JohnMaddocksAxe said:
How about you just cheer him as normal.

You'd feel a right dick (or perhaps you wouldn't) if, and in no way am I suggesting they are, the allegations turned out to be true.

(Just as anyone who booed or reacted negatively tonight should feel if they turn out to be false)

Look JMA, this is about emotion, not reason. It's impossible to to react "as normal" once this news is out. So you either don't cheer or or you cheer even louder.

Anyway, if he is guilty he is our bastard, so he gets my support and therefore a louder cheer.
Rösler's Dad said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
How about you just cheer him as normal.

You'd feel a right dick (or perhaps you wouldn't) if, and in no way am I suggesting they are, the allegations turned out to be true.

(Just as anyone who booed or reacted negatively tonight should feel if they turn out to be false)

Look JMA, this is about emotion, not reason. It's impossible to to react "as normal" once this news is out. So you either don't cheer or or you cheer even louder.

Anyway, if he is guilty he is our bastard, so he gets my support and therefore a louder cheer.

Don't think I've ever seen a more staggering quote on here, if I'm honest.

Again, I am in no way suggesting that anyone is guilty of anything, I just find the original reasoning of 'someone has been questioned about a very serious issue - that's a reason to single them out for special praise' a bit perverse. But I am definitely at the front of the queue regarding 'innocent until proven guilty'.
Rösler's Dad said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
How about you just cheer him as normal.

You'd feel a right dick (or perhaps you wouldn't) if, and in no way am I suggesting they are, the allegations turned out to be true.

(Just as anyone who booed or reacted negatively tonight should feel if they turn out to be false)

Look JMA, this is about emotion, not reason. It's impossible to to react "as normal" once this news is out. So you either don't cheer or or you cheer even louder.

Anyway, if he is guilty he is our bastard, so he gets my support and therefore a louder cheer.

ridiculous statement.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Rösler's Dad said:
Look JMA, this is about emotion, not reason. It's impossible to to react "as normal" once this news is out. So you either don't cheer or or you cheer even louder.

Anyway, if he is guilty he is our bastard, so he gets my support and therefore a louder cheer.

Don't think I've ever seen a more staggering quote on here, if I'm honest.
Again, I am in no way suggesting that anyone is guilty of anything, I just find the original reasoning of 'someone has been questioned about a very serious issue - that's a reason to single them out for special praise' a bit perverse. But I am definitely at the front of the queue regarding 'innocent until proven guilty'.

Point taken JMA and Roaminho, and of course I'm not really intending condoning any anything he might have done! it was meant more as a bit of a joke, not a good one in the circumstances, I admit...;0(

However, that was a silly aside, and what I was really interested in was the fact that it's hard to ignore he's been singled out in the media and that this must affect our support, positively or negatively. At this time, for me, it's positive.
Kinky Dribbler said:
Those pictures of him in training show him looking relaxed and happy.
I'm sure he will want to play. .

That was before the bizzies slapped the old handcuffs on and gave him "the old bootle street welcome"
Citytillidie69 said:
Kinky Dribbler said:
Those pictures of him in training show him looking relaxed and happy.
I'm sure he will want to play. .

That was before the bizzies slapped the old handcuffs on and gave him "the old bootle street welcome"

a few pints in the Abercrombie?
Have to say I agree the idea we should cheer extra hard a player who has been questioned in connection with a serious crime innocent or guilty is offensive! That said booing him would be equally so as we have no idea if he was questioned as the main protagonist or not, if a crime was committed or not and what is the truth. So cheering him for me would be a huge insult to a lot of people.

Besides whatever the truth that night' he has let his club down big time, being in that position was a let down to city, the supporters and the club as was running away. He is the last person who deserves huge support for what he has done regardless of the proceedings.

Frankly pre charges being laid I hate the fact that it is in the public domain at all , as if there is no evidence why should he be tarnished for life and if there is why should a victim be tarnished with some of the comments that have been made on here.

I think it would have been for the best if we all ignored the story and wait
to see what happens.

Some comments do frighten me in threads on this across the net and that is how many people assume automatically that girls are crying wolf! The stats estimate 19 out of 20 rapes will never get a prosecution and also show that while there are cry wolfs there are far more genuine cases that will never go through for many reasons.

So let's cut the speculation crap and treat the players tonight as normal and not congratulate a player who allegations aside is on the piss mid week before training, who leaves his team mates and flies off at will and generally behaves in an unprofessional manner.

If he tries his guts out and scores and deserves it then fair enough huge cheers. Hopefully the police will finish their enquiries and we can support or condemn when we know a bit more.
Though reality and police procedure and the evidence required etc would mean the likelehood is no charges laid whether a crime has been committed or not!

I don't know how many of you have seen the effect a serious sexual assault has on someone but it is not a matter for making judgements from a position of ignorance or cheering or even speculating on!

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