Exclusive Mancini interview in the Guardian ^^

tolmie's hairdoo said:
The thing is, mate, that whole process supposedly starts BEFORE you sign a player, whoever they may be.

When he wanted Nasri, he would surely have made it is his business to know what makes him tick.

It's a concern that Mancini has waited the best part of two seasons to realise Nasri has been shirking his responsibilities all too often.

It coincides with Mancini currently fighting his own corner, defending his own record.

Just smacks of being an unnecessary cheap shot to reinforce our current failings.

Is he right about Nasri? Of course he is. Just think stuff like this needs to be kept indoors.

He might not have waited the best part of two seasons, this could well be the last roll of the dice after trying all the other methods people have been talking about.

In general you'd prefer to keep things in house, but there are players that won't respond to that. If this is the way he gets Nasri to pull his head out of his arse then thats fine by me. As far as I'm concerned we've not got a lot to lose as for me he'll be sold in the summer unless he can prove he belongs.
woolleyback blue said:
Blue Heaven said:
woolleyback blue said:
I don't notice you posting on the MEN these days. Tired of making a fool of yourself as well were you?

You can't have it both ways. According to some Marwood not Mancini bought Dzeko and Manicin's primary targets who had both width and pace weren't acquired last summer. If you aint got the players you can't play the formation.

We can all see that City have underperformed this season but a lot of us actually can resist the knee jerk reaction of sacking the manager as some kind of universal solution that will cure all ills.

All I'm reading on here is the wish lists of the anti Mancini brigade.

NO ONE is posting on the MUEN anymore, are they? Your question to me seems to indicate that you have accepted my claim about you. Fair play to you, then...

The reason we don't have the players is because Bobby didn't want them. He admitted in this Guardian interview that he wanted Sinclair (our only winger) but he just hasn't played him, through no fault of the player. This, after selling on AJ, who he almost never played on his natural left side where he could have crossed into the box (AJ has no right foot, as everyone realized). Lavezzi was available for peanuts, but we didn't seem to bother.

When I was leading the Hughes out brigade years ago, you were one of the ringleaders of the Hughes stay clapper crowd. You had it wrong then, and in the same manner, you have it wrong now. When Hughes was sacked, you went on and on about how disgusted you were with Cook, Khaldoon and the club in general. I guess you changed your mind, somewhere along the way...

Oh its you is it different name same single brain celled thinking, I forget your previous incarnation as you were instantly forgettable when you ran away. I seem to recall you running away all the time when you got out thought in any debate we had on MEN. Your peddling your usual rubbish here now are you.

You're right I was a Hughes in man because based on his previous record he had the right to be given a chance, he didn't take it and although the manner of his sacking wasn't handled well he deserved to go.

For the same reason I'm a Mancini in man now, he's proved he can win the PL, he needs to be given time to prove he can get us out of the group stage of the CL.

Let me guess you want your precious Mourinho in...

For results, Mou is the best manager on the planet, but.....I'd rather keep Bobby than bring in Mou. He is a better manager than Bobby (and everyone else), but he has all of Bobby's negatives, and raised to the nth degree.

You blindly backed Hughes, even for some time after he was sacked. You attacked Bobby mercilessly, and yet, here you are, making the same mistake all over again. Being unable to adapt to your environment, even as it changes around you, can lead to extinction, just like the Mammoths, magnificent creatures though they were...

Bobby has done really well at City, but all managers reach a wall, and then can take a club no further, and that is where Bobby is with City. He'll move on, and he will be both respected and fondly remembered by the City faithful. Nevertheless, it's time for a change.
blueinsa said:
woolleyback blue said:
blueinsa said:
Can you back up your belief he will still be here and please don't mention his contract, they are not worth the paper they are written on in football.

2nd, 1st, 2nd? with this squad suggests he has failed twice rather than having succeeded 3 times. Losing finalists and runners up in the league are never remembered!

Chelsea have done very nicely thanks and this constant harping on at them and using the manager scenario as some sort of reason for their failure is just a joke, they have won plenty including the CL which makes your point redundant and frankly silly.

I don't have to back up any belief that he will be here next season. He's currently the City manager so the burden of proof is on you to back up your statement.

So let me get this right we are going to fire the guy who won us the PL and the FA cup and replace him with a short term appointment who will be told he's only here for 2/3 yrs and we don't care if we wins nothing as we have lowered our expectations????? and you expect me to take you seriously?

Your opinion is he will stay, mine is he will go, OPINION!

My response to you and those like you was because you are incapable of realising this forum if for opinions and not facts, all you can ever do is demand facts when your never going to get them, you're only ever going to get an opinion and i wonder, at what point do you realise that and start to debate opinions instead of throwing teddy from the pram

I hear and respect your opinion on Bob, i just don't agree with it!

If its an opinion then state it as such don't state it as if its a known fact. If your going to have an opinion based on your own prejudices then it seems to me it devalues it as an opinion whereas opinions based on reasoned argument are more valid. Give me a reasoned argument as to why he's to quote " a dead man walking" and I'll respond with a counter argument.
moomba said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The thing is, mate, that whole process supposedly starts BEFORE you sign a player, whoever they may be.

When he wanted Nasri, he would surely have made it is his business to know what makes him tick.

It's a concern that Mancini has waited the best part of two seasons to realise Nasri has been shirking his responsibilities all too often.

It coincides with Mancini currently fighting his own corner, defending his own record.

Just smacks of being an unnecessary cheap shot to reinforce our current failings.

Is he right about Nasri? Of course he is. Just think stuff like this needs to be kept indoors.

He might not have waited the best part of two seasons, this could well be the last roll of the dice after trying all the other methods people have been talking about.

In general you'd prefer to keep things in house, but there are players that won't respond to that. If this is the way he gets Nasri to pull his head out of his arse then thats fine by me. As far as I'm concerned we've not got a lot to lose as for me he'll be sold in the summer unless he can prove he belongs.
samharris said:
blueinsa said:
samharris said:
Erm...... im using facts in my pro Bob argument.. the fact that he has been our most successful manager in 30 years. now tell me im wrong ??
oh and do carry on acting like a jumped up prick...it suits you.

oops almost forgot this... ;)

Like I said, shits and giggles downstairs, everyone is waiting to give you a virtual high five!

whats the matter ?? oh no..you cant handle someones opinion.. arf !!!

Give an opinion about Bob and I will debate it with you, until then and whilst you play your games.....
samharris said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
samharris said:
Tbh Tolm. I dont recall many if any on here against the idea of signing Nasri..players sometimes dont turn out to be what was expected,, in fact it happens a lot..

you pays your money and you take your chances.

We've taken plenty of chances - that seems to be the issue for these new guys - getting more for our outlay.

Mancini does not question the talent of players such as Nasri and Mario - he questioned mentality.

That's a managing and scouting issue for me.

Mentality and talent surely go hand in hand ??

Not really.
samharris said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
samharris said:
Tbh Tolm. I dont recall many if any on here against the idea of signing Nasri..players sometimes dont turn out to be what was expected,, in fact it happens a lot..

you pays your money and you take your chances.

We've taken plenty of chances - that seems to be the issue for these new guys - getting more for our outlay.

Mancini does not question the talent of players such as Nasri and Mario - he questioned mentality.

That's a managing and scouting issue for me.

Mentality and talent surely go hand in hand ??

Not that simple. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you only show it in flashes, because of a weak mentality, they will never reach the heights they can.

That has been Mancini's consistent line with Mario and now Nasri.

He's right, too. Maybe he thought he could change their mentalities for the better.
woolleyback blue said:
blueinsa said:
woolleyback blue said:
I don't have to back up any belief that he will be here next season. He's currently the City manager so the burden of proof is on you to back up your statement.

So let me get this right we are going to fire the guy who won us the PL and the FA cup and replace him with a short term appointment who will be told he's only here for 2/3 yrs and we don't care if we wins nothing as we have lowered our expectations????? and you expect me to take you seriously?

Your opinion is he will stay, mine is he will go, OPINION!

My response to you and those like you was because you are incapable of realising this forum if for opinions and not facts, all you can ever do is demand facts when your never going to get them, you're only ever going to get an opinion and i wonder, at what point do you realise that and start to debate opinions instead of throwing teddy from the pram

I hear and respect your opinion on Bob, i just don't agree with it!

If its an opinion then state it as such don't state it as if its a known fact. If your going to have an opinion based on your own prejudices then it seems to me it devalues it as an opinion whereas opinions based on reasoned argument are more valid. Give me a reasoned argument as to why he's to quote " a dead man walking" and I'll respond with a counter argument.

Over the years, you've proven again and again that you wouldn't know a "reasoned argument" if it hit you over the head with a board.
woolleyback blue said:
blueinsa said:
woolleyback blue said:
I don't have to back up any belief that he will be here next season. He's currently the City manager so the burden of proof is on you to back up your statement.

So let me get this right we are going to fire the guy who won us the PL and the FA cup and replace him with a short term appointment who will be told he's only here for 2/3 yrs and we don't care if we wins nothing as we have lowered our expectations????? and you expect me to take you seriously?

Your opinion is he will stay, mine is he will go, OPINION!

My response to you and those like you was because you are incapable of realising this forum if for opinions and not facts, all you can ever do is demand facts when your never going to get them, you're only ever going to get an opinion and i wonder, at what point do you realise that and start to debate opinions instead of throwing teddy from the pram

I hear and respect your opinion on Bob, i just don't agree with it!

If its an opinion then state it as such don't state it as if its a known fact. If your going to have an opinion based on your own prejudices then it seems to me it devalues it as an opinion whereas opinions based on reasoned argument are more valid. Give me a reasoned argument as to why he's to quote " a dead man walking" and I'll respond with a counter argument.

You're making shit up now ffs.

I have stated nothing as fact and I have not said he is a dead man walking.

Fuck me its hard work on here at the moment.

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