Expensive watches

I am just not into self adornment personally so I have 2 watches - I just use them to tell the time. One's a plastic £10 digital thing that does the job and is fine for every day wear but I also have a wind up Timex dead basic watch thats about 50 years old- I bought it for £2 at a car boot in the 80's and I love it with its luminous hands and tatty leather strap..... its the same reason why people buy and wear expensive ones I suppose really but in reverse - I wear that for its non-snob value.

Oh and its appreciated in value coz I have been offered up to five English pounds if I want to sell it !!!!
In many middle eastern countries they wear expensive watches to show how wealthy they are. The male national dress doesn't allow for flamboyancy so you'll often see them wearing ridiculously expensive watches, pens and (sun)glasses to show how much money they have.

If that's true then I think that's the point of my question. Its a poser thing to let others know how much money you have. An expensive car will accelerate, brake and steer better than a cheap one, so that's why you pay more. I don't think there's been a post that shows an expensive watch keeps better time than a cheap one. In fact we've had some posts saying the expensive watches are crap time keepers!!!

BTW I'm an engineer by trade so I Iove the precision of the components just not the application or the presentation
I have a Seiko that I bought in 1987 at Singapore airport for about 70 quid, still works fine, st steel bracelet still good, never felt I needed something flasher

Its a brand I would recommend
Have a tag 2000 chrono I bought back in 87 and 2 Citizen eco drive. One a basic for work and the other a lovely limited edition.

The Tag is very nice but very rarely worn as I love my Citizen, great watch.
Yeah i've heard that arguement before Jim, me pals got a nice lexus cost a few £, runs like a bag of shit, he wont pay for decent oil, will he fuck. Kid with a nice watch was waxing on about it to a pal of mine, he'd not give a lot for it, me pal pulled an unknown (history) RxGMT out of his shirt pocket and plopped it straight into a glass of lemonade and asked the kid was he game with his super-duper muffa kettle he could'nt shut-up about, he was'nt.

The right (wrong) half twatting to any watch will undo the factory set mode is the truth of the matter, i've got an early 50's simple precision non chronometer Rx that would half the gains you've mentioned above...but the oil gets dropped out of it every five yrs.

Mine loses a couple of minutes per month. I do have it serviced every five years or so and that corrects it. Vintage engineering not some digital shit. I like the style and put up with the issues it raises, the same as I like vintage cars and expect them to leak abit

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