FA Cup Games | 4th Round | 25-29 Jan '24

I quite like teams trying to play out from the back,if they are decent at it.

Norwich are abysmal at it,yet continue to do it against a very good pressing outfit like Liverpool.
Stupid idiocy.

Think they get battered however they play.

Might as well have the ball instead of chasing all game.
I actually don't mind Norwich playing like this, they've no chance against a £1bn squad just sitting back.

Better to have the ball instead of hoofing it and running doggies all game.
Yep, much better chance just giving the ball back to them in dangerous areas for 90 mins..
Guess there has been no cost comparison and how much the Dippers front 3 cost to the historical Norwich spend
Yep, much better chance just giving the ball back to them in dangerous areas for 90 mins..

Or hoofing it 60 yards and spend all game chasing.

They've no chance either way, as shit as they are at it, playing out is their best chance. That's what led to the corner they scored

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