Our support needs to realise that singing:
Blue Moon
The Best Team In The Land
We Love You City
We’re Not Really Here
Ci-ty Ci-ty
Come On City
Is what everyone will join in with.
Not trying to get Bernardo going eighteen times in ten minutes and Empty Seats At Home fifteen times a half.
We’re a bit clueless when it comes to what songs to sing and when.
Yesterday, Gabriel Jesus scored from a de Bruyne cross and three parts of Level 1 tried to get the Bernardo song going within ten seconds of each other and none of them took off. Bernardo isn’t the song to sing at that moment and it’s no surprise that people don’t join in, especially as we’d already sung it three times in the first three minutes and about ten times in the concourse before the game n’all.
Sing the core songs and everyone will join in.
And stop being so obsessive with singing new chants over everything else.