FA Watch

zandvoort blue said:
UN-F**KING-BELIEVABLE.........but there again it is Alan "Big Four" Wiley.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/liverpool/article6846387.ece" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/ ... 846387.ece</a>

Javier Mascherano, the Liverpool midfield player, will not face disciplinary action from the FA over an incident during Tuesday night’s Carling Cup third-round tie with Leeds United in which he appeared to strike Jermaine Beckford with his right arm.

Alan Wiley, the match referee, was asked to look at the incident again by FA officials but, having reviewed a recording of the clash, he is standing by his decision not to send off the Argentina player. Mascherano could have been suspended for up to three matches.

This is what is wrong with football today, human corruption at it's highest. Please please please City break this corrupt establishment and make way for a fairer system.

Terrible terrible decision by the FA.
Petetheblu said:
zandvoort blue said:
UN-F**KING-BELIEVABLE.........but there again it is Alan "Big Four" Wiley.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/liverpool/article6846387.ece" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/ ... 846387.ece</a>

Javier Mascherano, the Liverpool midfield player, will not face disciplinary action from the FA over an incident during Tuesday night’s Carling Cup third-round tie with Leeds United in which he appeared to strike Jermaine Beckford with his right arm.

Alan Wiley, the match referee, was asked to look at the incident again by FA officials but, having reviewed a recording of the clash, he is standing by his decision not to send off the Argentina player. Mascherano could have been suspended for up to three matches.

This is what is wrong with football today, human corruption at it's highest. Please please please City break this corrupt establishment and make way for a fairer system.

Terrible terrible decision by the FA.

Was that not worse than SWP kick out at stoke last season for which he got a three game ban! Beyond belief.
Good afternoon all ..... I wrote to the FA last week after "Ade Gate" and they replied back .... most of their reply has already been posted by other who wrote similar emails .... so I decided to write again ... and the second reply from the FA is shown below ... along with my resubmittal to them.

Hopefully "FAwatch" will cause them to behave with impartilaity and consistency one day soon.


Dear Frederick

Thank you for contacting The Football Association.

As I'm sure you can appreciate, our staff are unable to engage in continued dialogue with all supporters.

While I appreciate we may not have alleviated your concerns, I would nevertheless like to thank you for taking the time to write.

Kind regards

Customer Relations

The FA Group


Dear "Info Team" @theFA.com.

Thank you for your long reply to my originating email below.

I have seen parts of the reply already posted on various web sites so clearly I am nowhere near alone in voicing my concerns about the Man City Arsenal match and behaviour of certain parties.

However, in your reply you have tended to miss the point which is, that the actions of the FA demonstrate complete and utter partiality against one team or player as compared to others.

It is beyond reasonable belief that the referee can say on the one hand that he saw Van Persie's two-footed studs up tackle from behind which had it connected with Adebayor may well have resulted in a career threatening injury and yet he can then on the other hand say he did not see Adebayor's foot connect with Van Persie's head about one second later. The TV pictures clearly show the referee standing about three yards away and he waved the incident on.

Why did the FA intervene at all.

Well first of all your Chief Executive, Mr. Whatmore, is a self-confessed Arsenal supporter and he was out spoken and leading the charge for an investigation into the incident. Secondly, by the time the FA asked the referee on Monday "did you see this" then he had undoubtedly read the papers, seen the TV and "knew" what he was expected to say and do.

This is trail by TV and by media and in my view is against the regulations imposed FIFA on matters like this.

The FA can not have it both ways ... every fan on the street knows that the Van Persie tackle was as bad if not worse than Adebayor's yet you have chosen to punish only one. If your rules do not allow you to prosecute Van Persie then by all that is fair you should have simply allowed the referees decision on the day to stand. In case you are not aware - at no time did any Arsenal player appeal to the referee over the incident.

You also imply that the referee saw Van Persie's goal celebration in which he left the pitch without permission (a mandatory yellow card); he then shouted obscenities at the crowd (since referred to the GMP for them to action ... and I would not repeat here what he said); and then rejoined the pitch without permission (again a mandatory yellow card). So now; why did the referee not book him at least once ...!!!

In these circumstances then, how can the FA raise charges against Adebayor and not Van Persie. Your partiality and discrimination is deplorable.

On the day I watched the game in a bar sat adjacent to a group of Arsenal fans. We all watched the game live. There was good banter between the fans. Both sets of fans thought the referee had had a good game ... he was consistent in keeping the game flowing and allowed advantage sensibly. In the context of the whole game his decisions were fair and supportable.

The action of the FA, driven in part by media and TV, have distorted his performance by focusing on single elements and made him look like the worst referee ever. You can not have it both ways. Your interference is spoiling the game. Your partiality towards certain teams is detrimental to the game. Your inconsistent application of the rules is unacceptable.

In light of statements emanating from the FA today and your treatment of Gary Neville of Manchester United, allied with your treatment of Van Persie last week, leaves you with no option but to drop the outstanding charges against Adebayor and I urge you to do just that.

That way you might gain some RESPECT.

I apologise for not having the time to write a shorter reply.

Absolute classic and spot on. I think somewhere in a previous posting I pointed out that the FA can't have it both ways. The TV pictures prove that the ref was a matter of yards from the RVP/Adebayor incident with a clear view of both chalenges and actually waved play on. Doesn't that indicate he saw the whole thing? I wonder if the response will be equally as short.......
Mark Tipton said:
We're quick but not that quick!

<a class="postlink" href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8271986.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8271986.stm</a>

Excuse me Mr Tipton, is it worth writing to the sports minister with regard to FA watch, ride the creast of the wave.
Writing to the sports minister may or may not be a good idea... depending on if he's a fan of one of the sky4!
As yet,!!!!! no replies from the FA for me. My conclusion, they don't like what I have said and have no standard reply.

Ian Watmore was on Talk sport again this morning, agreeing with Brasil that the behaviour of Ade after the goal celebration was wrong. You could tell Brasil wants a ban for Ade, no discussion at all over the behaviour of Arsenal fans.

FIFA need to know about the reluctance of our FA to deal with Arsenal hooligans and instead blame the player.
The Sports Minister might like to hear about the failure of the FA as it could affect our chances of hosting the world cup.
For me there is a direct connection between the Arsenal fans behaviour and that, that we saw at the swamp.
Fans throwing things and trying to get on the pitch. In order to get players banned.
It really can't be appropriate for the chief executive to continue to comment on a case while the disciplinary process remains ongoing.

I would really hope the club formally complain about his comments and prejudging of the Adebayor case.

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