Fabian Delph

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The thing that bugs me is the time spent on this deal. It's taken a couple of weeks reportedly. Delph knew who we had in midfield. We must have explained the potential playing time to him. He then says Yes. we arrange a medical. Then he says No.

The wider problem is the narrative that is beginning to develop. ie that we can't get deals done.
Agreed,starting to worry slightly I know people will say still a long way to go sept1 but it would have been nice to have the majority of targets done and dusted and some pre-season under their belts with us...
Can someone tell me why we were pursuing Delph at 8m when Schweinsteiger is available for 14m?
He only want's to join the rags?
So a bid from us which would no doubt be quite publicly rejected by Bayern to try and humiliate us.

Not worth it bidding is it.
Are you being serious? No we fucking kidnapped the ****, hired derren brown to hypnotise him and make him say he'll sign for us when he here's a bell ring. Too bad he came round just before the ink was dry.
Some on here would believe that before believing the club have dropped a bollock.
Can someone tell me why we were pursuing Delph at 8m when Schweinsteiger is available for 14m?

nearly 31 injury prone with on average 20 games a season for the past 3 seasons and if bayern dont want him anymore then id say he is deemed not good enough for us either.
Would have a been a decent addition but fair play if he feels he is better where he currently is.

Now we move on

Obviously wonders to himself whether he's good enough for a starting spot at City - prob not. Wants to play week in week out in a Euro year - fair enough. Gets the added bonus of further endearing himself to Villa fans by saying he's staying - no harm done.
They don't actually count. Can have as many kids as we need in the squad and it may just happen anyway.
Hopefully we do because It would be nice to see more of our academy lads getting pitch time and developing alongside our top guys
To be honest with you the lad has made the correct decision, it would've been an amazing piece of business for us financially but he's obviously woken up and smelt the coffee

It'll cost us more but we move on.......
I'm just gobsmacked, speechless, which is unusual for me
Transfer tavern on talkshite at 6pm tonight should be interesting
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