'Fans' giving blues a bad name

Unfortunatly football brings in many idiotic fans, its a culture thing. Nothing wrong with having a few beers before a game to fire you up but sadly people turn into fuck-wits when pissed, I can never see it changing to be honest
Mate I don't disagree with what you are saying but the behaviour of people full stop is what you should be against not the fact that they happen to ware the same coloured shirt as you and because of this you feel some sort of collective responsibility or guilt. Behaviour like the above is unfortunately the norm and anyone who has something to say against it gets abuse or worse eg. the lady who had bleach thrown over her after asking some one to be quiet in the cinema near Leeds.
and if we become more sucessful there will be more morons jumpin on the band waggon, we where known for our wit sarcassm and tolerance of the clubs failiures,( trust me theres been a fair few of them over the years) thats what bonded us together. i would hate it if we became anything like , LEEDS, CHESKI, OR RAGS ,so pleas if you must be a prat do try to find another club to support as im sure the VAST hords of city loyalist fans dont want you, and WE DONT NEED YOU..
I had this on the one and only time i came back from a match on the bus back into manchester centre.

Loads of young kids singing the m**ich song, banging the windows to shout at people. Shame really, I used to love getting the bus back from Maine Road, so thought it would be fun for my lad to mix with other fans.

Then again, in the south stand there is a lot of people swearing at our players, pissing in the sinks and smoking despite the requests of the stewards ( though maybe there should be a smoking area in this respect ).

Anyway, I started coming on my motorbike again to avoid it.
blueinbolton77 said:
I had this on the one and only time i came back from a match on the bus back into manchester centre.

Loads of young kids singing the m**ich song, banging the windows to shout at people. Shame really, I used to love getting the bus back from Maine Road, so thought it would be fun for my lad to mix with other fans.

Then again, in the south stand there is a lot of people swearing at our players, pissing in the sinks and smoking despite the requests of the stewards ( though maybe there should be a smoking area in this respect ).

Anyway, I started coming on my motorbike again to avoid it.
fuck em if you wanna get the bus you get the bus, its only decent fans such as your good self that can put this rite, if all the public see is IDIOTS then that is what they will think we all are, well were not. US real fans love the club with as much passion as anybody else, we must let it be known that these IDIOTS are out of order, the silent majority should be silent no longer, coz we are the real fans, coz we where here when we where shite, and we must not surrender to the idiot fringe...STAND TALL STAND PROUD AND SING .... BLUUUUU MOOOOON
have some of u only just started going to watch football? fuck me nothing wrong with a drink n sing song on the train thats the good thing about away days. i think it was alot worse in the division 2 days.
kippax88 said:
have some of u only just started going to watch football? fuck me nothing wrong with a drink n sing song on the train thats the good thing about away days. i think it was alot worse in the division 2 days.

I think you missed the whole point of the thread, or you one of the pilocs that we are all referring to.

As stated in the OP, there is nothing wrong with a drink and a sing song, however yelling "he's a m***ch bastard, he's a welsh bastard" down the ear of an 80+ year old elderly man and woman is wrong.
markbmcfc said:
kippax88 said:
have some of u only just started going to watch football? fuck me nothing wrong with a drink n sing song on the train thats the good thing about away days. i think it was alot worse in the division 2 days.

I think you missed the whole point of the thread, or you one of the pilocs that we are all referring to.

As stated in the OP, there is nothing wrong with a drink and a sing song, however yelling "he's a m***ch bastard, he's a welsh bastard" down the ear of an 80+ year old elderly man and woman is wrong.

im sure she has seen alot worse if she is 80 years old mate...
kippax88 said:
markbmcfc said:
I think you missed the whole point of the thread, or you one of the pilocs that we are all referring to.

As stated in the OP, there is nothing wrong with a drink and a sing song, however yelling "he's a m***ch bastard, he's a welsh bastard" down the ear of an 80+ year old elderly man and woman is wrong.

im sure she has seen alot worse if she is 80 years old mate...

No doubt she has...I just dont like to see that from City fans, but hey, we agree to disagree.

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