FAO The Blue Alliance

Im sad you had to confirm this on your 2000th post. Ignore the silly man.
The lack of atmosphere is down to the south stand imo as apart from the big games there not up for it enough, the singing section is far better and once the tba block takes off we'll be singing even in CB and north on a regular basis.
I'm the one who made the comments about the south stand here's my explanation...

I stand in the south stand myself, block 117, and have done for a several years and this was on the day after my christmas do so I was not feeling my best :)

I feel that since the singing section has been in place, think its new this year? Been there for 2 or 3 years the south stand no longer sing as frequently or as loudly as they once did, Some of the fans who sing all game in my opinion must have migrated to the singing section.

It is also my opinion that the whilst the singing section sing more often (particularly when were drawing or loosing) but that the south stand, when it gets going, is still loudest. I'm not slagging fans in either section just wanting to improve things.

That was the purpose behind the comments, the comments were mine personally not necessarily those of The Blue Alliance, we didn't plan any answers or have the questions before they were asked, I just said what I thought. Feel free to disagree.

Ta Paul
Back in the day of the old standing Kippax there was a right of passage.

You started going to the match with your dad about the age of 6 or 7 who stuck you on the back wall of the section between the old kippax and the North stand (sat on the wall with a 15' drop behind you...scary). You then went on your own and sat on the dividing walls or maybe the pitchside wall, as you got older you progressed gradually towards the "away section" of the Kippax and then into the "choir" section right next to the away fans (and the netting to stop missiles... but it never stopped cups of piss hmmm)..... well that was how i found it all anyway. (I sound bloody ancient when I read that back but i'm only 40)

But obviously with the advent of all seater grounds this has now changed and with a new ground everything totally different as everyone is still on a "learning curve" with regards atmosphere etc and a bit of a rift between certains fans seems to be emerging, but "back in the day" the way other stands criticised one another was by the only meduim available and that was a terrace chant and then only a mild criticism (Main stand main stand give us a song etc). but now we have the internet and a much more vicious criticism of where people sit. (Big Mals Cigar etc)

I can see what the pigeon is saying and all credit to BA for doing what the think is right, but is BA not just another USC that has the ear of the City Hierachy.
Blue Mooner said:
LCBblue said:
Im a seasoncard holder in the North Stand and this season the noise comes from 110/111/112.

In past seasons it was shared out but the SS had the more vocal support and often got the whole ground going. However, now, the vocal support is most definitely the corner.

Its taken a few years for everyone to move near each other but it has happened and it is sorted. There's too many in the SS that just stand there with their arms crossed shouting abuse at anyone who misses a tackle.

110/111/112 is the place to be! Oh, and 236! :D

Totally agree, I sit in the Colin Bell 3rd tier and the corner is definitely the place to be for singers, that said it would be great if some people joined in with me on the 3rd tier (It happens occasionally) From what I can see the South stand literally just stand the whole game and aren't the ones who lift the team.

I fully support what the Blue Alliance are doing they've got the right attitude. I just think they need to get some 'blue' in their logo - in fact just scrap it and start again.

IMO it would be well worth paying someone to design a better logo and I would be happy to contribute. It's all about creating a better identity. I know it's not what it's all about but image and branding is important in todays image conscious society. Better branding would really help get things moving even more so than they are already.

Choose to ignore - it's just my opinion - I really want to see this work as it's a great idea.
Your right pal, Liam, don't take it personally, we know you've put in a alot of work trynig to get vocal support to really urge the team on and not everyone is going to agree. I do, but not everyone. I've said it before and I think your doign a great job, but I agree with this ^^^. A btter logo, some more people notice it become interested come on here to find out more, and suddenly, you've got 100s of fans phoning up asking for tickets with the Blue Alliance.
Simple really, your doing a good job. Keep it up.
Blue Mooner said:
LCBblue said:
Im a seasoncard holder in the North Stand and this season the noise comes from 110/111/112.

In past seasons it was shared out but the SS had the more vocal support and often got the whole ground going. However, now, the vocal support is most definitely the corner.

Its taken a few years for everyone to move near each other but it has happened and it is sorted. There's too many in the SS that just stand there with their arms crossed shouting abuse at anyone who misses a tackle.

110/111/112 is the place to be! Oh, and 236! :D

Totally agree, I sit in the Colin Bell 3rd tier and the corner is definitely the place to be for singers, that said it would be great if some people joined in with me on the 3rd tier (It happens occasionally) From what I can see the South stand literally just stand the whole game and aren't the ones who lift the team.

I fully support what the Blue Alliance are doing they've got the right attitude. I just think they need to get some 'blue' in their logo - in fact just scrap it and start again.

IMO it would be well worth paying someone to design a better logo and I would be happy to contribute. It's all about creating a better identity. I know it's not what it's all about but image and branding is important in todays image conscious society. Better branding would really help get things moving even more so than they are already.

Choose to ignore - it's just my opinion - I really want to see this work as it's a great idea.
Your right pal, Liam, don't take it personally, we know you've put in a alot of work trynig to get vocal support to really urge the team on and not everyone is going to agree. I do, but not everyone. I've said it before and I think your doign a great job, but I agree with this ^^^. A btter logo, some more people notice it become interested come on here to find out more, and suddenly, you've got 100s of fans phoning up asking for tickets with the Blue Alliance.
Simple really, your doing a good job. Keep it up.
Blue Mooner said:
LCBblue said:
Im a seasoncard holder in the North Stand and this season the noise comes from 110/111/112.

In past seasons it was shared out but the SS had the more vocal support and often got the whole ground going. However, now, the vocal support is most definitely the corner.

Its taken a few years for everyone to move near each other but it has happened and it is sorted. There's too many in the SS that just stand there with their arms crossed shouting abuse at anyone who misses a tackle.

110/111/112 is the place to be! Oh, and 236! :D

Totally agree, I sit in the Colin Bell 3rd tier and the corner is definitely the place to be for singers, that said it would be great if some people joined in with me on the 3rd tier (It happens occasionally) From what I can see the South stand literally just stand the whole game and aren't the ones who lift the team.

I fully support what the Blue Alliance are doing they've got the right attitude. I just think they need to get some 'blue' in their logo - in fact just scrap it and start again.

IMO it would be well worth paying someone to design a better logo and I would be happy to contribute. It's all about creating a better identity. I know it's not what it's all about but image and branding is important in todays image conscious society. Better branding would really help get things moving even more so than they are already.

Choose to ignore - it's just my opinion - I really want to see this work as it's a great idea.
I agree. I already mentioned earlier that if they want assistance with anything like that, they just have to ask.
Impeccable Fan said:
I'm the one who made the comments about the south stand here's my explanation...

I stand in the south stand myself, block 117, and have done for a several years and this was on the day after my christmas do so I was not feeling my best :)

I feel that since the singing section has been in place, think its new this year? Been there for 2 or 3 years the south stand no longer sing as frequently or as loudly as they once did, Some of the fans who sing all game in my opinion must have migrated to the singing section.

It is also my opinion that the whilst the singing section sing more often (particularly when were drawing or loosing) but that the south stand, when it gets going, is still loudest. I'm not slagging fans in either section just wanting to improve things.

That was the purpose behind the comments, the comments were mine personally not necessarily those of The Blue Alliance, we didn't plan any answers or have the questions before they were asked, I just said what I thought. Feel free to disagree.

Ta Paul

i dont like saying it but the atmosphere in most parts of our ground is poor, nobody sings!. at all the home cup games since weve been at coms i have had to be relocated to elsewhere in the ground, me and my mates used try and sit in a part of the ground we aint been before (3rd, 2nd tiers, corners etc).! i went to the arsenal game in the last round and was 'sat' in the center of the 3rd tier in the colin bell stand, think about the game itself. one of the most important in our recent history, first time into semis in a long time (im 27 and have never been to one). we were playing really good football, easily through to next round, so i started singing the songs i could hear from the southstand corners. and the reaction i got from surronding supporters was mad. it was if i was chanting footy songs at a funeral. it didnt change throughout the game at all. when we were at maine road our atmosphere was unbelievable in most parts of the ground. but sadly its not the same at coms. i dont know why that is, because after a few years i thought it would be ok again after everyone settled into the ground. just imagine how quiet our ground would be if it wasnt for the one block on each end of the away fans in the south stand. a horrible thought...

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