FAO The Blue Alliance

darrenwassall said:
blueshortshorts said:
Besides which if this thing takes off in the way I suspect it might, you are playing your part in creating your own bit of club history, and the blue alliance may be spoken about in years to come In the same way people post on here reminiscing about the Guvnor's , banana's, the kippax etc

Perhaps this current period of the clubs history won't just be remembered for the takeover, and the superstar players but also for the bluemoon forum, the trawlermen, the creation of the blue alliance, and the final demise of united!

Keep the faith!

spoken about in terms of what exactly?
wtf are you gonna 'do'?

What I mean if the thing is successful, and they do manage to get a bit of a movement going to create an atmosphere, in years to come people may reminisce about how it all started
errrm... you all seem to have ignored the most vocal supporters within the ground......the second tier of the Colin Bell.

The "flat cap, leather glove wearing, cheshire brigade" put both the singing section and the SS to shame. You must have heard our rendition of "City City RA RA RA".

(Where's Big Mals Cigar when you need back up)
darrenwassall said:
liamctid said:
I'm not going to argue with you. I cannot apologise enough for being 22 and therefore too young to see what the Kippax was like.

I'd rather you stopped posting on here about how you don't like what we're doing as its not the first time you've done it. No offense.

what exactly is it you seem to 'think' you are 'doing'?

Creating a platform for vocal City fans to get together and get behind the team and home and away. A bit of organisation for travel (ie promoting certain train times) and for cup games - for the Arsenal and United games we've had our own section allocated on the other side of the away fans so the SS refugees have somewhere to go, and give some vocal support from the CB side as well as the East stand.

At the moment we're still trying to get a solid core number of people before we can do anything remarkable, but with every game we are finding more people who are interested in what we do.

We never thought that within 6 months we would be having CoMs like Galatasarys ground or something. It's early days so far but we're happy with the way things are going, even if you are not.
blue_bird said:
liamctid said:
I'm not going to argue with you. I cannot apologise enough for being 22 and therefore too young to see what the Kippax was like.

I'd rather you stopped posting on here about how you don't like what we're doing as its not the first time you've done it. No offense.

Liam, I think you're taking this too personally. We all know how much work you've put into this and that's why you're taking this to heart so much. You have to learn to take the critism on the chin. What you're doing isn't going to be everyones cup of tea and you have to accept that. By the same token others will think it's a great idea and back you all the way. Then you'll get some folk (mentioning no names!) who will help you out full throttle for a few weeks, realise there's nothing in it for them, get bored and sack it off. What you have to remember is you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

I'm aware of that, but it's not the first time Mr. Pidgeon has come on here and spoke his views about us. He is completely entitled to it, and I understand where he is coming from, but from my point of view I don't appreciate the same people coming on the threads about us and repeating themselves and making me and my mates look like dicks.
Blue Alliance lads, you are doing a great job, crack on, if only l were 20 years younger, l would be in there with you.
liamctid said:
blue_bird said:
Liam, I think you're taking this too personally. We all know how much work you've put into this and that's why you're taking this to heart so much. You have to learn to take the critism on the chin. What you're doing isn't going to be everyones cup of tea and you have to accept that. By the same token others will think it's a great idea and back you all the way. Then you'll get some folk (mentioning no names!) who will help you out full throttle for a few weeks, realise there's nothing in it for them, get bored and sack it off. What you have to remember is you cannot please all of the people all of the time.

I'm aware of that, but it's not the first time Mr. Pidgeon has come on here and spoke his views about us. He is completely entitled to it, and I understand where he is coming from, but from my point of view I don't appreciate the same people coming on the threads about us and repeating themselves and making me and my mates look like dicks.

I've come on twice and said it.....twice. My aim is certainly not to make you and your mates look like dicks, and I apologise if that is how you feel. I won't mention you and your core of fans anymore. Have fun.
liamctid said:
darrenwassall said:
what exactly is it you seem to 'think' you are 'doing'?

Creating a platform for vocal City fans to get together and get behind the team and home and away. A bit of organisation for travel (ie promoting certain train times) and for cup games - for the Arsenal and United games we've had our own section allocated on the other side of the away fans so the SS refugees have somewhere to go, and give some vocal support from the CB side as well as the East stand.

At the moment we're still trying to get a solid core number of people before we can do anything remarkable, but with every game we are finding more people who are interested in what we do.

We never thought that within 6 months we would be having CoMs like Galatasarys ground or something. It's early days so far but we're happy with the way things are going, even if you are not.

liam,soon as you get a sniff of fanny,this nonsense will become a distant embarrassing memory
Pigeonho said:
liamctid said:
I'm aware of that, but it's not the first time Mr. Pidgeon has come on here and spoke his views about us. He is completely entitled to it, and I understand where he is coming from, but from my point of view I don't appreciate the same people coming on the threads about us and repeating themselves and making me and my mates look like dicks.

I've come on twice and said it.....twice. My aim is certainly not to make you and your mates look like dicks, and I apologise if that is how you feel. I won't mention you and your core of fans anymore. Have fun.

their not doing a bad job themselves,cringeworthy
darrenwassall said:
liamctid said:
Creating a platform for vocal City fans to get together and get behind the team and home and away. A bit of organisation for travel (ie promoting certain train times) and for cup games - for the Arsenal and United games we've had our own section allocated on the other side of the away fans so the SS refugees have somewhere to go, and give some vocal support from the CB side as well as the East stand.

At the moment we're still trying to get a solid core number of people before we can do anything remarkable, but with every game we are finding more people who are interested in what we do.

We never thought that within 6 months we would be having CoMs like Galatasarys ground or something. It's early days so far but we're happy with the way things are going, even if you are not.

liam,soon as you get a sniff of fanny,this nonsense will become a distant embarrassing memory

there's only one fanny round here today
darrenwassall said:
liamctid said:
Creating a platform for vocal City fans to get together and get behind the team and home and away. A bit of organisation for travel (ie promoting certain train times) and for cup games - for the Arsenal and United games we've had our own section allocated on the other side of the away fans so the SS refugees have somewhere to go, and give some vocal support from the CB side as well as the East stand.

At the moment we're still trying to get a solid core number of people before we can do anything remarkable, but with every game we are finding more people who are interested in what we do.

We never thought that within 6 months we would be having CoMs like Galatasarys ground or something. It's early days so far but we're happy with the way things are going, even if you are not.

liam,soon as you get a sniff of fanny,this nonsense will become a distant embarrassing memory

Yeah I should mention at this point I'm a virgin

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