Fapping Off

Ha Ha - at 10pm on 7th May 2015 you nearly went blind doing it!

You had me for a minute there Len. Thought we had enjoyed some mutual masturbation session - glad to see it was the day our country continued to be wonderfully led.

'Fappant' not flippant!

The reason I bumped this thread is that a very good friend of mine for 49 years has recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He's only 55(same age) and never smoked a cigarette in his life.
I'm not looking forward to going to his funeral but I'm preparing for the worst as I've heard his cancer is spreading : (

My eldest daughter (nurse) says I should get a PSA check done with my GP ASAP, which I'm booked in for. If you haven't yet had a PSA check make an appointment!!!

Any kind of cancer is a cruel bastard, but prostate cancer is the biggest killer of men.

I've been reading up on this and it's interesting reading. Basically suggesting that men over 50 who frequently matuurbate(or frequently have sex) 'may' lower their chances of getting prostate cancer.


I suggest a fapping FOCTOBER.

Get your odd socks and tissues at the ready you Fuckin' Owd Wankers.

FOW not FOC; )

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