UK far right trouble July/August 24

Don't be disheartened, mate. I've lived here all my life (mid 30s now) and I've never once felt overwhelmed by an atmosphere of intolerance and hate. It bubbles but never spills over. Good always wins, as they say. Your wife should be commended for the honourable job she does, not stigmatized, and most in our country will share that sentiment.

Don't let the (minority of) bastards grind you down, keep your chin up, and good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Well said
If I was going to give you some objective advice, if feasible, it would be to move out of one of the three most racist counties (along with Kent and Lincolnshire) in the country.

You are (as always) a font of wisdom, GDM. And indeed we didn't move here out of choice so much as circumstance (it being located between our workplaces). But now I have a new job, we are looking at moving west - general Bristol direction. I think I can persuade her to give that a go first before anything more drastic.
Anyone recognise the **** brandishing his fist at a police cordon in the MEN photos.
The one with a big City tattoo on his forearm?

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Far left I think they're called, just to balance things out. Both groups as dangerous as each other

That's not the case. There's quite a large body of research to show that right wing extremism leads to greater use of violence than left wing extremism. Ironically but perhaps unsurprisingly there's also an emerging body of research that shows right wing extremists and Islamic extremists have much more in common behaviourly with each other than they do with left wing extremists. There's quite a good study from I think it was Princeton University, I'll try and find it if I can.
Severely depressing to see it all. The only silver lining to how this is playing out is that the more people see it, the more people see it for what it is, who's behind it, and what they're ultimately doing it for. It's not garnering any support for their bigotry, and when the summer holidays are over, they've only got the few weirdos and bots left in this 'army'.

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