I'm trying mate. Contrary to how I might come across on here as a bit dower and sceptical, I do genuinely like my country. I think the vast majority of people are good, mild-mannered folk who are trying to get through life the same as me. I even kind of like the shit weather, I can't handle 25C+.
But it is getting increasingly difficult to make the case to her, when 4 million+ people vote for Reform and then people start rioting over immigration and bricking mosques. It tends to send a certain message out, and immigrant families are listening and receiving that message loud and clear.
There was a post a few pages back of somebody getting punched by a rioter while walking down the street just because they weren't white. I don't want that to be my child one day. That's slightly hyperbolic, as I still think at the moment that kind of behaviour is thankfully rare. But it is getting more common, and having kids forces you to think 5-10-15 years into the future about what their world might look like.
I think we have a lot of reasons still to stay, we both want to give back to a country that has given a lot to us. I just need to hope these fucking idiots stop making what should be an easy decision unnecessarily difficult.