fat ism


Well-Known Member
7 Dec 2008
my ivory tower
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!
It's either water retention or that much joked about but serious disease "big bone".

I'm surprised that a learned gentleman such as your good self would post such fatist rubbish.They have feelings you know.Just because they have never seen their genitals and are forced into wearing black leggings because someone told them they are 'slimming' doesn't mean you can have a go at them.

One day you might give up all hope,sit on a sofa all day sweating,eating a small mountain of garage bought snacks whilst washing yourself with a rag on a stick.
BimboBob said:
It's either water retention or that much joked about but serious disease "big bone".

I'm surprised that a learned gentleman such as your good self would post such fatist rubbish.They have feelings you know.Just because they have never seen their genitals and are forced into wearing black leggings because someone told them they are 'slimming' doesn't mean you can have a go at them.

One day you might give up all hope,sit on a sofa all day sweating,eating a small mountain of garage bought snacks whilst washing yourself with a rag on a stick.

Never, I have too much pride in myself.
wrongun73 said:
if theyre fat through a disease or what ever ok but if they just like a good dinner then fuck 'em!

Agree 100% mate, if it aint there fault then yes it is wrong to discriminate but if they are fat by choice because they eat too much crap and dont bother to exercise then they cant moan if they get discriminated, ok im not saying its right to go out and call obese people but its not on the same level of sexism or racism
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!

i actually think thats borerline genius.
niall_mcfc said:
wrongun73 said:
if theyre fat through a disease or what ever ok but if they just like a good dinner then fuck 'em!

Agree 100% mate, if it aint there fault then yes it is wrong to discriminate but if they are fat by choice because they eat too much crap and dont bother to exercise then they cant moan if they get discriminated, ok im not saying its right to go out and call obese people but its not on the same level of sexism or racism

which is about 99% of cases although the tubbies will tell you different!
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!
i dont over eat , do a very physical job up and down ladders all day lifting heavy equipment and very rarely sit down except for the half hour dinner i have i only drink once a week on friday nights yet im over weight and cant seem to shift it, i could go gym but i just dont have the time, but all this doesnt mean i should have to sit and listen to some slim arse hole calling me names and abusing me just because they have made a judgement about me based on my apearance alone, so yes it should be looked at in the same way as racism because your abusing someone for the way they look.
bluesyob said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!
i dont over eat , do a very physical job up and down ladders all day lifting heavy equipment and very rarely sit down except for the half hour dinner i have i only drink once a week on friday nights yet im over weight and cant seem to shift it, i could go gym but i just dont have the time, but all this doesnt mean i should have to sit and listen to some slim arse hole calling me names and abusing me just because they have made a judgement about me based on my apearance alone, so yes it should be looked at in the same way as racism because your abusing someone for the way they look.

Here we go....

You do not have a disability, you are not a race of people.

I have heard this before, if they had hidden cameras following you all day I bet we'd see the truth.

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