fat ism

smudgedj said:
bluesyob said:
i dont over eat , do a very physical job up and down ladders all day lifting heavy equipment and very rarely sit down except for the half hour dinner i have i only drink once a week on friday nights yet im over weight and cant seem to shift it, i could go gym but i just dont have the time, but all this doesnt mean i should have to sit and listen to some slim arse hole calling me names and abusing me just because they have made a judgement about me based on my apearance alone, so yes it should be looked at in the same way as racism because your abusing someone for the way they look.

Sorry to inform you but you have the same time as everyone else, Einstein, Shakespeare, Newton, and Darwin all had the same time. Losing weight is not rocket science you need to eat less calories that's all there is to losing weight.
i love the way people who arent overweight look at it like its the easiest thing in the world to do when quite simply its not. it takes a complete overhaul of your life and some times thats easier said than done
bluesyob said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
You tell me. What do you put your being over weight down to?
ive seen 3 dieticians after keeping diaries of food ive eaten none can see a problem with the food i eat or the ammount
one said maybe it is the fact that i drink a fair bit on the day that i do drink
the point is i lead an absolutly normal life and im quite positive i dont consume any more than the average person its just that with my metabolism id have to live on vegetables to lose any weight, the other thing is i eat the same size meals as my missus and im much more active throughout the day and yet she keeps her weight somewhere between 7 and a half to 8 stone, i guess what im saying is im sure with some investigation and a hell of a lot of hard work i could probably do something about it, but i just dont find the time as i work 10 - 12 hours a day and that doesnt exactly make you keen on going to the gym afterwards.

Well don't go to the gym! Buy yourself a static bike and get up half an hour early, ride the bike, have breakfast and go to work. Easy.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!

First (and I hope last) time I've ever agreed with you! Get right on my tits these lard arses, taking up two seats on public transport, blocking the pavement as they waddle along while I'm trying to get somewhere, and then whingeing on about their big bones or their over/under active glands. Someone at work's just been doing a story about Norwich Council, who are spending £300k to build a new house for some blubbery parasite complete with reinforced floors, hoists, and a super strength armchair for him to sit inert in all day.

I used to get teased for being skinny when I was at school, well at least I'm not the one sat motionless with hardening arteries and sores welding me to my sofa am I? ;)
smudgedj said:
bluesyob said:
ive seen 3 dieticians after keeping diaries of food ive eaten none can see a problem with the food i eat or the ammount
one said maybe it is the fact that i drink a fair bit on the day that i do drink
the point is i lead an absolutly normal life and im quite positive i dont consume any more than the average person its just that with my metabolism id have to live on vegetables to lose any weight, the other thing is i eat the same size meals as my missus and im much more active throughout the day and yet she keeps her weight somewhere between 7 and a half to 8 stone, i guess what im saying is im sure with some investigation and a hell of a lot of hard work i could probably do something about it, but i just dont find the time as i work 10 - 12 hours a day and that doesnt exactly make you keen on going to the gym afterwards.
ok if its that simple tell me why some of my mates sit on their arse in an office all day live on mc donalds and kfc and are slim yet i work twelve hour days constantly lifting walking up stairs and ladders carrying stuff and your telling me 10 minutes on an exersise bike in the morning would make a world of difference
Well don't go to the gym! Buy yourself a static bike and get up half an hour early, ride the bike, have breakfast and go to work. Easy.
bluesyob said:
smudgedj said:
Sorry to inform you but you have the same time as everyone else, Einstein, Shakespeare, Newton, and Darwin all had the same time. Losing weight is not rocket science you need to eat less calories that's all there is to losing weight.
i love the way people who arent overweight look at it like its the easiest thing in the world to do when quite simply its not. it takes a complete overhaul of your life and some times thats easier said than done

I'm not overweight now but i was in the past, with the high blood pressure problems, and 'can't be arsed' attitude, it's not a complete overall its a few small steps at a time. Reduce your calorie intake, start exercising, walk to the shops, it's little things that add up.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I was listening to GMR today and there was some tubster banging on how there are groups set up to fight 'fatism' -that are trying to make it on a par with racism/sexism/disability....

If I had the time I would have called up and told this tub of lard what I thought, sadly I'm a busy man. How on earth can someone over eating, not exercising and being lazy be compared to other real forms of discrimination??

The fatty who was head of one of these groups continued to crow on about how 93% of employers would employ a thin person over a tubby if their CV's/interview were identical-no shit sherlock! If it's 50/50 you have to pick something and fat people are more likely to be scoffing all day, have days off and look less attractive.

More PC gone mad!

And could drop dead on the job! Any firms got a section that could deal with overweight corpses?
bluesyob said:
smudgedj said:
ok if its that simple tell me why some of my mates sit on their arse in an office all day live on mc donalds and kfc and are slim yet i work twelve hour days constantly lifting walking up stairs and ladders carrying stuff and your telling me 10 minutes on an exersise bike in the morning would make a world of difference
Well don't go to the gym! Buy yourself a static bike and get up half an hour early, ride the bike, have breakfast and go to work. Easy.

No it will not make a lot of difference but it will be a start, you can go from 10 minutes a day and increase by 5 mins every week until your doing an hour. You already expect to fail, change of attitude to a 'can do' mentality will help.
wow some right fat-bashing on here. while im not exactly "skinny" i dont fit into the "lard arse" catagory. i play footy most-every day and dont eat massive portions. there actually is a guy in my school in year 8 who is 22 stone without ANY glandular problems, he just cant be arsed doing anything.

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