Wio Gumflapdinand said:
LWasington said:
Not really got a favourite as in the actual films too many to list . But I went to cinema in 2002 to watch Long Time Dead and quite a few walked out as it was too much for them and this couple were sat the row in front and this girl followed through/ shat her knickers at one of the scares. Can't remember the exact scene think it was on a river barge with gas or something. THey left in a haste with her walking like she'd run 26 miles much to the amusement of everyone but them.
Doubt they walked out because it was too much and more likely because it was rubbish, I remember turning it off myself it was so bad. Maybe that girl shat herself in some form of ironic protest.
Depends what scares the individual person really. For "out of your seat moments" I more spooked by films with like monsters/killer unknown kinda things. Movies with snakes spiders etc don't bother me at all although I know some people do. I remember 10-15 years ago a groups of friends had an after a party movie and they put the original Ginger Snaps film on . We all knew it was horror but nothing more and thought from the cover of it was a vampire film.
When it turned out werewolf this girl Julie walked out and went upstairs to bed looking very ill. Her boyfriend later told me she'll never watch a werewolf film, not even like Thiller video or the old black white werewolve films. She'd had this fear as a kid that she'd seen something coming up the stairs and it wasn't human. She still was under the doctor for night terrors 20 years later.
I really like the first 2 Ginger Snaps films but the 3rd Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning was admittedly shite.