FC United - Oral Hearing - judge rejects appeal (p 82)

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Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

Nice comment on the FC unofficial forum :


Why all the secrecy regarding the imminent Judicial Review decision. I dont get it, there is at least one who has paid his 12 quid to become a member just so he can read the members forum and report back to his divvy blue mates.

For what it's worth they have lost with no right of appeal.

Go report that back you backward blue twat, an you can quote me on that you fuckin div.

Just to put you right Buckomcr regarding the £12 although i have said it on here before i use a FC members log in because i work with a couple of FC fans but their not into forums etc so he lets me use his login details :)
Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

"...Lost with no right of appeal..."

The system at work in all its glory.
Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

Great to see everyone getting ready to wallow in conspiracy theory cushioned defeat. Also amazed that postings on an internet message board can be taken as so uncritically factual by posters on another message board.

MES - I share your skepticism about public consultations, but contrary to what you say the club did go to a lot of trouble to ask locals what they thought about the plans (and you do have to present some sort of plans in order to consult people's opinion). The planning process involves a lengthy opportunity for everyone to give their opinion - advertised locally and promoted by the press and interested parties. The MEN have been a disgrace all the way through - like all local papers these days, they're not there to represent the interest of local people, but to advertise at them and fill the gaps with populist stories where they go for their own low-brow style of sensationalism. That's what they did with the initial announcement, and most stories since, designed to provoke antagonism, because that's what they think people want (and what loads of idiots will comment on via their website). This isn't a Tesco or other commercially-motivated development, but it's been positioned like that all the way through, by the MEN and those who have sought to misrepresent the plans.

I thought the No campaign did make some valid points at the hearing, but overall not enough to call the initial planning decision into serious question. Will be interesting though to see what the judge decides...
Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

You are commercially motivated surely, otherwise your online shop wouldn't exist? Clearly you are not a Tesco style behemoth, but you are a commercial entity, running a football business that makes money. You do not operate as a "non profit" or an "at cost" organisation.

No one is wallowing in any conspiracy theory. It is a common fact amongst Planning Departments across the country many applications from businesses are signed off as fait accompli. A close friend runs a Planning Department for A. N Other council in the country, so take his word as genuine when he provides examples to me of businesses riding rough shod over local communities and where both the business and the council have colluded to ensure the "right" decision is reached.

It's good to get the perspective from your club via your posts, but there are far more questions than answers relating to this and if given the go ahead without those questions being answered, will only serve to paint both the council and your club in a very poor light.

There seems to have been no proper consultation undertake. There are allegations of gerrymandering and yet in spite of this you continue to say "it's for the good of the community."
Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

luddite said:
Great to see everyone getting ready to wallow in conspiracy theory cushioned defeat. Also amazed that postings on an internet message board can be taken as so uncritically factual by posters on another message board.

MES - I share your skepticism about public consultations, but contrary to what you say the club did go to a lot of trouble to ask locals what they thought about the plans (and you do have to present some sort of plans in order to consult people's opinion). The planning process involves a lengthy opportunity for everyone to give their opinion - advertised locally and promoted by the press and interested parties. The MEN have been a disgrace all the way through - like all local papers these days, they're not there to represent the interest of local people, but to advertise at them and fill the gaps with populist stories where they go for their own low-brow style of sensationalism. That's what they did with the initial announcement, and most stories since, designed to provoke antagonism, because that's what they think people want (and what loads of idiots will comment on via their website). This isn't a Tesco or other commercially-motivated development, but it's been positioned like that all the way through, by the MEN and those who have sought to misrepresent the plans.

I thought the No campaign did make some valid points at the hearing, but overall not enough to call the initial planning decision into serious question. Will be interesting though to see what the judge decides...

I have no gripes at all as to how FC United presented themselves in Moston, the meetings (I attended two) and leaflets were all above board and did what they were set out to do. The gripe is that the council did nothing prior to the announcement or afterwards and the conduct of Cllr's Murphy and Tavernor very questionable.

My own feelings on the decision today is at the very least we can expect is one or two pieces of info may have to be sought and then it can all go ahead. I was hoping things like the covenant would have been brought up but from what I heard it wasn't.
Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

strongbowholic said:
You are commercially motivated surely, otherwise your online shop wouldn't exist? Clearly you are not a Tesco style behemoth, but you are a commercial entity, running a football business that makes money. You do not operate as a "non profit" or an "at cost" organisation.

No one is wallowing in any conspiracy theory. It is a common fact amongst Planning Departments across the country many applications from businesses are signed off as fait accompli. A close friend runs a Planning Department for A. N Other council in the country, so take his word as genuine when he provides examples to me of businesses riding rough shod over local communities and where both the business and the council have colluded to ensure the "right" decision is reached.

It's good to get the perspective from your club via your posts, but there are far more questions than answers relating to this and if given the go ahead without those questions being answered, will only serve to paint both the council and your club in a very poor light.

There seems to have been no proper consultation undertake. There are allegations of gerrymandering and yet in spite of this you continue to say "it's for the good of the community."

Depends what you mean by commercially motivated - FC are not separate from the money economy, they pay for things and are paid for things, but they are constituted as a 'not for profit' organisation. That is different from 'non profit'' - any surplus has to be used to further develop the club and the community work it does, and is not for individuals to make a profit from. The members voted in a legally binding 'asset lock', so that any assets owned by the club, including any future ground, had to be primarily of community benefit. Selling merchandise or having games on telly isn't in itself a bad thing - the extremes it went to at MUFC and generally at the top level is a bad thing I think, but they don't have to exploit fans - a good way to stop this happening is for fans to make decisions, rather than capitalist owners.

I hope any questions are answered - I'm not going to defend what the council might have done or not done. Hopefully the judicial review will sort that out if the No Campaign asked the right questions (inc about proper consultation and any other allegations). If the council didn't do the right things, or did the wrong things, the decision will rightly go against the council.
Re: FC United - Judicial Review DECISION DAY TODAY!!!!! (p 71)

<a class="postlink" href="http://fc-utd.co.uk/m_story.php?story_id=4693" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://fc-utd.co.uk/m_story.php?story_id=4693</a>

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