Feckless Underclass Scum BBC1

Citysmith said:
I've not watched the programme but what I do dislike is the way the BBC and other media outlets will point a camera at the worst aspects of British underclass and not balance out others in the community who work their bollox off to get a job.

They (the media) are very much a middle to upper class organisation who have no empathy or understanding of the areas that these people live. They will hold up the worst examples and paint the unemployed on the whole as lazy, feckless individuals who live their own life of Reilly, when in reality this is not the case.
Yep. Word for word what I was going to say.
At the last count major corporations were swindling 70 times the amount that this so called 'scum' were out of the system in umpaid taxes to the uk economy. Does this type of a activity recieve 70 times the amount of public exhibition by the media be it TV or broadsheet?

Programmes about the most vulnerable in our society pick up on the extreme cases and try and normalise this as the behaviour of 'dolies' and something should be done about it scream the Daily Mail and those that buy into this barrage of media that portray this.

The real curse on our society has been the bankers, war machine and media who will press forward with their own interests to look upon certain aspects of society and get the mass to buy into looking in the wrong direction at who the real 'scroungers' are.

There is massive unemployment and not enough jobs to meet demand, youth unemployment is rife (beyond criminal), but what better way to control the low income families that are working than to threaten them with the dole que, which is why we have an erosion of rights for low paid workers. People will put up with it and not bargain as a collective because they are running scared living hand to mouth, weekly wage to weekly wage.

It breaks my heart to see kids and families who are forced to live like this and as a nation (in a media sense) we mock and are angered and outraged at the few they choose to portray. Did the media poke fun at the middle classes and upper classes when the bankers screwed this county over, of course not that would be ridiculous, so why do they point their snooty cameras at the worst of the worst and give it so much media attention?

Good night fellow blues
Didn't have to watch it to know the outcome, a programme made by a company that extorts money from the public, who's corridors were full of guys looking for their next young fix, who's bollox are being squeezed by a biggest set of c-nts to ever step into power, it won't stop with this, the pressure is intense on the Bbc by this government that they would bend over backwards to keep the fee.
hilts said:
no fucking shame any of them, remember though these are the minority else the envy crew will be out in force

four cats, a dog, a bleeding lizard, widescreens, laptops, designer shoes, bless em all

Please refrain from posting your shopping list on here and use a scrap of paper like everyone else.<br /><br />-- Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:32 am --<br /><br />
Kazzydeyna said:
Citysmith said:
I've not watched the programme but what I do dislike is the way the BBC and other media outlets will point a camera at the worst aspects of British underclass and not balance out others in the community who work their bollox off to get a job.

They (the media) are very much a middle to upper class organisation who have no empathy or understanding of the areas that these people live. They will hold up the worst examples and paint the unemployed on the whole as lazy, feckless individuals who live their own life of Reilly, when in reality this is not the case.

Excellent post.

When are the bbc going to film a documentary about the REAL scroungers and shirkers. You know those individuals and businesses that pay zero or close to zero tax. Go after them successfully and the welfare burden will look like an acorn next to an oak tree.

But no, pander to the scum who watch shit like this to make themselves feel superior.

Lets turn the dinner lady against the bin man whilst the fucking bankers laugh all the way to the Maldives.

You can stick your Haye v Tyson Fury - I'd shell out for the dinner lady v the bin man on ppv.
In the interests of fairness, I'd like to see a programme from the BBC focus on families living the life of luxury, showing how their accountants negate their tax liabilities, while their hard pressed employees are earning the minimum wage.

Let's see them swanning around in their drop top cars with their bleached teeth and kids with stupid names.

I wish they would also concentrate some of their efforts on the reality of life on benefits for the majority of those receiving them. Living on £76.00 a week is impossible.

30 years ago an MP tried living on an equivalent income as a scrounger, failed miserably, and finding himself sitting in an unlit and unheated room for a while, declared life on benefits was tolerable. Yeah, right.

For every family receiving a reasonable amount of money every month, which is all these programmes seem to centre on, there are thousands who have nothing but misery and hopelessness in their hearts.

How spiteful do we have to be as a society that we have to pick on everyone receiving benefits as worthless scroungers?

I don't know, but of the two times I have been a workshy scrounger, I have found living on the dole desperate beyond belief, and I'm not kidding when I say I spent hours walking the streets hoping to find a 10p coin that would allow me to buy a tin of baked beans so I could have something to eat!

Having been there, I honestly couldn't give a shit about families receiving money, and I mean it.

What else are we to do, put the kids in care and make the parents homeless?

Some of you should try it sometime. I'm sure you'll find it a breeze!
Citysmith said:
I've not watched the programme but what I do dislike is the way the BBC and other media outlets will point a camera at the worst aspects of British underclass and not balance out others in the community who work their bollox off to get a job.

They (the media) are very much a middle to upper class organisation who have no empathy or understanding of the areas that these people live. They will hold up the worst examples and paint the unemployed on the whole as lazy, feckless individuals who live their own life of Reilly, when in reality this is not the case.
Yeah, we all know there's some "workshy scum" around, but the number of workshy scum didn't just multiply in the last few years. The reason people are unemployed is because Dave and his mates have done such a piss-poor job managing the economy. No other reason. And I find it quite annoying that despite being demonstrably the government's fault, all of these programmes are coming out now portraying jobseekers as lazy bastards. Where were these programmes 10 years ago when there actually were plenty of jobs and there were still people who hadn't worked a day in their lives? The only reason they're coming out now is as propaganda for the government's benefits cuts.
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
I don't know, but of the two times I have been a workshy scrounger, I have found living on the dole desperate beyond belief, and I'm not kidding when I say I spent hours walking the streets hoping to find a 10p coin that would allow me to buy a tin of baked beans so I could have something to eat!

Having been there, I honestly couldn't give a shit about families receiving money, and I mean it.
Let's look at the actual benefits budget.

State Pensions - £74bn
Personal Tax Credit - £29.91bn
Housing Benefit - £17bn
Disability Living Allowance - £12.5bn
Child Benefit - £12.2bn
Pension Credits and Minimum Income Guarantee - £8bn
Income Support - £7bn
Rent Rebates - £5.5bn
Attendance Allowance - £5.3bn
Incapacity Benefit - £4.9bn
Jobseeker's Allowance - £4.9bn
Employment Support Allowance - £3.6bn
Admin - £3.5bn
Sick/Maternity Pay - £2.6bn
Social Fund Expenditure - £2.4bn
Carer's Allowance - £1.7bn
Financial Assistance Scheme - £1.2bn
Child Trust Fund - £106m

It seems to me that since a large number of those benefits are going to people that are actually working, a far more effective way of cutting the benefit bill would be to simply force employers to pay their workers a living wage.
hilts said:
no fucking shame any of them, remember though these are the minority else the envy crew will be out in force

four cats, a dog, a bleeding lizard, widescreens, laptops, designer shoes, bless em all

these low lifes are scum, but if you mean by envy crew people who dont like being screw by the cunts at the top either, then i`m in.
I'm With Stupid said:
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
I don't know, but of the two times I have been a workshy scrounger, I have found living on the dole desperate beyond belief, and I'm not kidding when I say I spent hours walking the streets hoping to find a 10p coin that would allow me to buy a tin of baked beans so I could have something to eat!

Having been there, I honestly couldn't give a shit about families receiving money, and I mean it.
Let's look at the actual benefits budget.

State Pensions - £74bn
Personal Tax Credit - £29.91bn
Housing Benefit - £17bn
Disability Living Allowance - £12.5bn
Child Benefit - £12.2bn
Pension Credits and Minimum Income Guarantee - £8bn
Income Support - £7bn
Rent Rebates - £5.5bn
Attendance Allowance - £5.3bn
Incapacity Benefit - £4.9bn
Jobseeker's Allowance - £4.9bn
Employment Support Allowance - £3.6bn
Admin - £3.5bn
Sick/Maternity Pay - £2.6bn
Social Fund Expenditure - £2.4bn
Carer's Allowance - £1.7bn
Financial Assistance Scheme - £1.2bn
Child Trust Fund - £106m

It seems to me that since a large number of those benefits are going to people that are actually working, a far more effective way of cutting the benefit bill would be to simply force employers to pay their workers a living wage.

Stop being sensible and right ;-)
Hi, as it is a new day please can you tell me who I should be outraged about today.

Thank you.

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