Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
I don't know, but of the two times I have been a workshy scrounger, I have found living on the dole desperate beyond belief, and I'm not kidding when I say I spent hours walking the streets hoping to find a 10p coin that would allow me to buy a tin of baked beans so I could have something to eat!
Having been there, I honestly couldn't give a shit about families receiving money, and I mean it.
Let's look at the actual benefits budget.
State Pensions - £74bn
Personal Tax Credit - £29.91bn
Housing Benefit - £17bn
Disability Living Allowance - £12.5bn
Child Benefit - £12.2bn
Pension Credits and Minimum Income Guarantee - £8bn
Income Support - £7bn
Rent Rebates - £5.5bn
Attendance Allowance - £5.3bn
Incapacity Benefit - £4.9bn
Jobseeker's Allowance - £4.9bn
Employment Support Allowance - £3.6bn
Admin - £3.5bn
Sick/Maternity Pay - £2.6bn
Social Fund Expenditure - £2.4bn
Carer's Allowance - £1.7bn
Financial Assistance Scheme - £1.2bn
Child Trust Fund - £106m
It seems to me that since a large number of those benefits are going to people that are actually working, a far more effective way of cutting the benefit bill would be to simply force employers to pay their workers a living wage.