Fergie's a c*ck but has a point here

Fuck off he is just an old drunk good manager my arse

50,000 fucking prawn sandwich eaters were moaning every week about not playing Tevez "Fergie Fergie sign him up"

He has no point or place on this formu unless its taking the piss out of him

I think standards are slipping on the BM site
bluenova said:
There was an interesting article the other day from David James about what players think of managers. One of the strongest comments he made was just a throwaway remark when he was explaining why Avram was popular at Pompey. Apparently he did communicate decisions and James follows this by saying, "Everyone hates a manager who drops players without any warning or explanation.".

It does make you think that maybe Fergie is telling a little of the truth for once.

Good article that one, I'm glad David James wants to be a Manager, he seems like a clever chap. Do you reckon any of those comments were about any of our Managers. I reckon 'Daddy was a mummy today.' could have been Stuart Pearce.
WNRH said:
The difference between Ferguson and Mancini is that Ferguson has brought in every single player currently on United's books. When Mancini gets rid of the bad average eggs then there will be no more moaning in the press.

The ones who are doing the moaning about not playing are not good enough, simple as that.

Well said. My thoughts exactley.
kennycar said:
Good article that one, I'm glad David James wants to be a Manager, he seems like a clever chap. Do you reckon any of those comments were about any of our Managers. I reckon 'Daddy was a mummy today.' could have been Stuart Pearce.

Quite a few of the comments below the article suggested various people it might be - no-one suggested Pearce, but you're right, it does sound like the kind of thing he might say!
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
That's the key point here for me and something I've banged on about a lot.

Communication and motivation of the playing staff.

I am a Mancini fan as you know but I agree thoroughly Dave. If Sir Twat End can take the time to explain then I see no reason why Mancini can't.

Though the one caveat I have in this instance is that Micah said that he had spoken with Mancini, but still had a little snipe.

This thread wasn't having a go at any players or Mancini, but maybe praising what goes on across the way in Trafford.

Only thing I can think of is translation problems between Managers and players when it comes to explaining reasons he seems very one worded Mancini so I can't see him being able to sugar coat "you didn't play because your shit"
kennycar said:
bluenova said:
There was an interesting article the other day from David James about what players think of managers. One of the strongest comments he made was just a throwaway remark when he was explaining why Avram was popular at Pompey. Apparently he did communicate decisions and James follows this by saying, "Everyone hates a manager who drops players without any warning or explanation.".

It does make you think that maybe Fergie is telling a little of the truth for once.

Good article that one, I'm glad David James wants to be a Manager, he seems like a clever chap. Do you reckon any of those comments were about any of our Managers. I reckon 'Daddy was a mummy today.' could have been Stuart Pearce.

That's a superb article and mirrors what I'm trying to communicate.

I suspected Pearce was the manager who introduced English, because there were rifts in the camp in those days based on nationality.
kennycar said:
bluenova said:
There was an interesting article the other day from David James about what players think of managers. One of the strongest comments he made was just a throwaway remark when he was explaining why Avram was popular at Pompey. Apparently he did communicate decisions and James follows this by saying, "Everyone hates a manager who drops players without any warning or explanation.".

It does make you think that maybe Fergie is telling a little of the truth for once.

Good article that one, I'm glad David James wants to be a Manager, he seems like a clever chap. Do you reckon any of those comments were about any of our Managers. I reckon 'Daddy was a mummy today.' could have been Stuart Pearce.

I suspect it was Pearce. I recall him saying something in a post-match interview about players having to go home and look their wives in the eye after that performance, which whilst not directly the same, still contains a similar point (they were somehow less of a man) etc
SWP's back said:

Ferguson, speaking on The Football Show on Sirius XM, was asked how he managed to keep players happy while maintaining his rotation policy – he has not named the same side in successive matches since the final week of the 2008-09 season. At City, there have been several outbursts through the media from fringe players, the latest Micah Richards's saying last week he was contemplating leaving.

"Several things come into it, but first of all the players have to understand that, at Manchester United, we have to use our squad," Ferguson said. "I'll always explain to a player I have left out exactly what I am trying to do and the reason for not including him in a particular game.

"In general, in terms of a pay off, I have to respect the player and give him head. If he has his own opinion, great, I am happy to talk it through with him and they always know they may be playing next week and somebody else will have to sit it out.

"If we win things, then it shows the way we have gone about things is correct. If we are winning the Premier League, European Cup or FA Cup, then we know we have done the right thing."

As much as I hate him, the one thing he ensures, is that no player snipes to the press about being rotated. That is the one facet of his management that I would like over here.

Fixed if for you.

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