Ferguson says Utd far fitter than City

Its a long, long season. Athletes cannot stay at peak fitness year round - i think that we are, considering our first few fixtures, better off not being at peak. Better that we start of slowly and get stronger, as other teams fade away.
Meh. Said it before, City's malaise that day made the rags look better than they are. We'll see how things go during the season when theres more on the line than match fitness.
i think he is %100 right and i completlely agree with him and TRUST me i do not do that very often! but i agree i said it after 55 minutes we were already starting to look slower and slower more sluggish and more sluggish and they were just playing at the same pace if not quicker than the first half!
Chick Counterfly said:
When Wigan RL club were winning everything one of their players commented "We always look a bit sluggish at the start of the season, that's because we've been training harder than everyone else. But it means we lose a touch of pace. Our training is aimed at making sure we're at our sharpest in the second half of the season, nobody will be able to touch us from January"

I'm sure it's been said many times by people in football as well. Clubs always arrive in different states of physical preparation for the earliest games of the season. If you're a strong team then that should keep you in the mix until Christmas. Everything is geared up towards the second half of the season. Teams often sacrifice a bit of sharpness during that early period in order to maximise performance levels later in the year, when the trophies/qualifications/promotions/relegations are decided.

Ferguson is recognised as one of the masters of this. So I figured he was basically letting Mancini know that he wasn't getting carried away by the relative performances and wouldn't make the mistake of underestimating us when we meet in competition.

It was the same story last year with Tottenham; they ran rings around us in the first game of the season. I said at the time that I'd never seen a team moving around so quickly, looking so sharp, on the first day of the season. I was sure this meant they'd forgone some core fitness training in order to hit the ground running, because they had crucial games in the Champions League right from the get-go. And waddya know, they fell away around Christmas. I'm not saying Utd have done the same but people need to relax.

I could understand people being worried if we had a history of fitness problems but we ended last season really strong, we looked to be one of the fittest teams in the league.

However it was said that Mancini wasnt happy with the number of injuries we picked up and the length of time that players took to recover. If that was a real concern it would also justify spending more time on core fitness.
jimharri said:
I know we hardly ever win games in the last 5 minutes.

Sad but true. I don't want to sound like I am just knocking our beloved club, but some things have got to stop and this is one of them.

We get 5 minutes from the end and we are either:

(a) hanging on for a win
(b) hanging on for a draw
(c) releaved to have only lost by a small margin

Rarely are we the team piling on the pressure until the end. In stark contrast to the rags, or even to Chelsea.
Greater intensity and higher tempo is key this season. We have to up it considerably and marry it to the undoubted ability in touch, passing and movement we have. I´m sick of the rags just being able to bully their way to titles with mediocre players - get to it City and show the doubters once and for all
All last week we heard about how much fitter and shaper United were compared to us. And its undeniable that they were sharper, very sharp for a CS game.

Today the papers are full of stories about United's injury crisis.

Could there be a connection?
Total opposite I think this time, our players have gone that extra mile pre season and it showed in the shield. We will see the benefits as the season progresses.

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