FIFA 11 News

Milk and alcohol said:
The thing that really annoyed me was the use of the same stadiums over and over again. Its very boring. It would be fantastic to create at least a look a like stadium for each team, and it wouldent hurt to make the crowd a bit louder, especially for derbies, big games such as title deciders and the latter stages of cup matches.
I play home matches at the Fussballstadion as it's different to the others and looks closer to COMS than the football ground.

Plus, the camera is moved much higher on corner kicks, which gives you a better view of the penalty area. Helps me no end.
Wheelsy said:
Any announcement on the soundtrack? Which Datarock song will they pick this year?

Doesn't really matter this year does it, what with customisable soundtracks and the ability to import your own music

I can finally use Highway to Hell as my intro music
SharpDressedMan said:
Wheelsy said:
Any announcement on the soundtrack? Which Datarock song will they pick this year?

Doesn't really matter this year does it, what with customisable soundtracks and the ability to import your own music

I can finally use Highway to Hell as my intro music

does it mean you could put 'right here, right now' on the game for when the players come out? :O
Freestyler said:
SharpDressedMan said:
Doesn't really matter this year does it, what with customisable soundtracks and the ability to import your own music

I can finally use Highway to Hell as my intro music

does it mean you could put 'right here, right now' on the game for when the players come out? :O
Don't know about when the players come out (probably) but I know you can when you score!

This is going to be my goal scoring music


Gets the players pumped.
I hope they get this right.

i.e PL enterance music, european enterance music.

I think the create a chant feature will be top, fill it full of City chants and i'd guess, no filtering of lyrics. Wonder how that'll work?

Guess i'll be checking both game out this year, probably be immense first play then all the glitches will be exploited the first time i go online.
scottyboi said:
inbetween said:
If it plays anything like South Africa 2010 does then its going to be wicked.

south africa is shit, hope its nothing like it.

I think it plays nice, Fifa is alright but after playing SA its just a lot more fluid.

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