FIFA delegates getting their cummupence! Blatter GONE today.

Can't help but think that we've had words with key folk in the US through NYCFC/MLS channels about how corrupt everything is and how a vision for a fairer FIFA helps US soccer (US business).

Nah, this is going on quite a while, I think the FBI have spent about 6 years putting this case together.
20 years worth and Blatter knows nothing and one of those taken away by police was his right hand man, does he think we are all stupid, wait until the documents from there own corruption report come out 'the one's they wouldnt release to the pubic' cant wait to see this fucker on his way into court with a blanket over his head, the vote for the leadership should not go ahead and UEFA should boycott as they have said but they only hold a quarter of the votes, strange the SAFA have given him the backing in all this,i wonder what they have to hide
Can't help but think that we've had words with key folk in the US through NYCFC/MLS channels about how corrupt everything is and how a vision for a fairer FIFA helps US soccer (US business).
The alleged offences happened on US jurisdiction so it's a federal investigation. Sure other counties who wish to follow the corruption trail for their Fifa representatives will also make charges too. it's a domino effect now and have the popcorn ready!
so all this high-level corruption at the governing boda
The alleged offences happened on US jurisdiction so it's a federal investigation. Sure other counties who wish to follow the corruption trail for their Fifa representatives will also make charges too. it's a domino effect now and have the popcorn ready!

hopefully we can come out of it in a positive light, or at least put favourable people to us in powerful positions during a reform that filters down a completely different approach in how people deal with us.
For those asking about Blatter and where he fits into the picture, let me once again compare this situation to the Watergate scandal in the U.S. Quoting "Deep Throat" (Mark Felt, Bob Woodward's secret FBI source for the Washington Post's Watergate investigation) . . .

"[In] a conspiracy like this . . . the rope has to tighten slowly around everyone's neck. You build convincingly from the outer edges in, you get ten times the evidence you need against the [low level offenders]. They feel hopelessly finished. They may not talk right away, but the grip is on them. Then you move up and do the same thing at the next level. If you shoot too high and miss, then everyone feels more secure. Lawyers work this way."

In my view, Blatter's disappearance from FIFA is an INEVITABILITY, whether by hook or by crook. There is no way the DOJ moved up a level here from Blazer and Warners kids to the 14 higher-ups (including Warner himself) unless they are nearly 100% certain one of the 14 indicted will flip on Blatter -- no way in the world.

Eventually he will see the wisdom in resigning when the walls close around him, just as Nixon did. Only he won't be (can't be) pardoned by the next President of FIFA.
So Blatter was Havelange's deputy when Havelange resigned
And after he took over, one of the accountants came to see him about a payment of something like $1m that had appeared in a FIFA bank account which they couldn't account for. Blatter allegedly said, something like "Ah yes. That should go to Havelange. Transfer it to this account" without batting an eyelid.
For those asking about Blatter and where he fits into the picture, let me once again compare this situation to the Watergate scandal in the U.S. Quoting "Deep Throat" (Mark Felt, Bob Woodward's secret FBI source for the Washington Post's Watergate investigation) . . .

"[In] a conspiracy like this . . . the rope has to tighten slowly around everyone's neck. You build convincingly from the outer edges in, you get ten times the evidence you need against the [low level offenders]. They feel hopelessly finished. They may not talk right away, but the grip is on them. Then you move up and do the same thing at the next level. If you shoot too high and miss, then everyone feels more secure. Lawyers work this way."

In my view, Blatter's disappearance from FIFA is an INEVITABILITY, whether by hook or by crook. There is no way the DOJ moved up a level here from Blazer and Warners kids to the 14 higher-ups (including Warner himself) unless they are nearly 100% certain one of the 14 indicted will flip on Blatter -- no way in the world.

Eventually he will see the wisdom in resigning when the walls close around him, just as Nixon did. Only he won't be (can't be) pardoned by the next President of FIFA.

The Americans will just get enough dirt on everyone, particularly the Russians, to make sure they get 2022. They won't touch Russia about 2018 itself, for political reasons, but hopefully we can cut a deal to get 2026 or 2030.

I wish they'd take 5 minutes over Rummenigge.
Uefa may not be perfect but compared to FIFA they are Mary Poppins.

SSN have just reported that Uefa has only 25% of the vote for Fifa president or anything else in Fifa so if they boycott the vote it could still go ahead and still with a majority so now is the time for Uefa to act.

Don’t boycott the time is right to pull out of Fifa completely pull away and announce that they are prepared to set up a new world football body with oversight from a respected world body to ensure compliance from the start.

Only Uefa can do this, they are rich enough to do this or should I say that their footballing nations are big enough to do this and the sponsors will follow them. Plus the South American federation after a bit of confusion will have to follow the money. With Europe and South America, plus the Yanks will join in that’s the world cup sorted, every other federation will start to fall over each other to join in.

It’s a perfect storm if Uefa have the will to go for it.
wasnt there some kind of docu on a few years back where Batter was being chased by the program and they revealed millions had been salted away in Swiss accounts and dodgy ticket sales from a guy in the Caribbean, if i remember correct i think they set up an interview with hidden cams
Let's also not underestimate the press from the last World Cup and the regular scandals the Brazilians were protesting about.

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