Final 5 Bundle Ticket - Thankfully No Sign This Year!

mcfcirlam said:
No, its not the point, but if there is not enough price difference then I feel that the LOYAL fans are coming up short.
I have an issue with Platinum and Gold cards as the Platinum supporters are overtaking the Gold ones so when it comes to the likes of Barcelona away not everyone who should have got a ticket actually did.
It really frustrates me that the promotions are for the "New Support" rather than the Lifers.
I am now going off at a tangent, but we should have different criteria for each competition.
I know some lads that went to Plzen and Moscow who were sweating on tickets for Barcelona.
This cannot be right.
If it was a Bundle for Sunderland, Stoke and Fulham in February then, yes the price would reflect.
If you want the opportunity as a one off (Or 3 off as the Bundle denotes) to watch us challenging and hopefully winning the title in one of these games then there is a premium for this.

Wilf Wild 1937 said:
mcfcirlam said:
I am not saying £180 is the right price for the last 3 games, but it should be higher than the season ticket prices.
Just think back to the last game v QPR. If you hadnt got a ticket in the week before the game, how much would you have been prepared to pay to watch that moment. PRICELESS!!

I think this title race is going to be similar and it probably will come down to the last game.
If that game is then worth £100 then the other 2 games are not too far off being value.

The QPR game was PRICELESS as you say but that's surely not the point is it?
We should not be overcharging our fans for these types of games. As a previous poster said a lot of people
can't attend all the games but were forced to buy bundles last year that included matches they couldn't
attend. A lot of people have put the hard miles in following this club through thin and thinner and should
be treated with a bit more respect by the club now that we are regularly competing for and winning
trophies. As I've said I don't have a personal axe to grind since I'm fortunate enough to live close to
the stadium and have got enough money to be able to buy a season ticket each year and for it to be
viable in terms of the number of games I can attend. It is plain wrong to exploit fans by overcharging
for certain key games. We already have different prices for different matches depending upon the
competition and the opponents. If we are effectively going to charge more for West Ham than we
did for the derby because the demand is there we are going to price out some of our loyalist fans
who supported this club through the bad times.

If they qualified for a ticket for Plzen then they'd easily get a Barcelona ticket. Plzen sold out at a much higher points level.
The survey said the club would make an announcement on Friday afternoon but no sign of that so have purchased standalone Villa ticket.
JCLUK said:
The survey said the club would make an announcement on Friday afternoon but no sign of that so have purchased standalone Villa ticket.

Good news. But there will be no standing, alone or not :)
MaineRoadBlue said:
Well I for one am glad that those within the Marketing/Ticketing departments have clearly come to their senses with regard to the Final 5 Bundle concept.

In short they are either that busy with other ideas and have completely forgotten about this flawed money grabbing and divisive idea or, as I would prefer to think, learnt from their Champions League Bundle fiasco that left a bitter taste with so many.

Let's hope it's the latter.

What was up with the CL bundle?
They probably considered a 'Final 5 Bundle' but as Sunderland is now the fourth from last game of the season they couldn't do it. Noticed today on the scoreboard that Southampton tickets 'started from £40' and the programme states West Brom tickets start from £47. So a blue member sitting in the cheapest seats all season is paying around £760 -£800! (If they attended all the league games). Wonder how much the ST's are going to be if this is way we are heading....?
mcfcirlam said:
No, its not the point, but if there is not enough price difference then I feel that the LOYAL fans are coming up short.
I have an issue with Platinum and Gold cards as the Platinum supporters are overtaking the Gold ones so when it comes to the likes of Barcelona away not everyone who should have got a ticket actually did.
It really frustrates me that the promotions are for the "New Support" rather than the Lifers.
I am now going off at a tangent, but we should have different criteria for each competition.
I know some lads that went to Plzen and Moscow who were sweating on tickets for Barcelona.
This cannot be right.
If it was a Bundle for Sunderland, Stoke and Fulham in February then, yes the price would reflect.
If you want the opportunity as a one off (Or 3 off as the Bundle denotes) to watch us challenging and hopefully winning the title in one of these games then there is a premium for this.

Wilf Wild 1937 said:
mcfcirlam said:
I am not saying £180 is the right price for the last 3 games, but it should be higher than the season ticket prices.
Just think back to the last game v QPR. If you hadnt got a ticket in the week before the game, how much would you have been prepared to pay to watch that moment. PRICELESS!!

I think this title race is going to be similar and it probably will come down to the last game.
If that game is then worth £100 then the other 2 games are not too far off being value.

The QPR game was PRICELESS as you say but that's surely not the point is it?
We should not be overcharging our fans for these types of games. As a previous poster said a lot of people
can't attend all the games but were forced to buy bundles last year that included matches they couldn't
attend. A lot of people have put the hard miles in following this club through thin and thinner and should
be treated with a bit more respect by the club now that we are regularly competing for and winning
trophies. As I've said I don't have a personal axe to grind since I'm fortunate enough to live close to
the stadium and have got enough money to be able to buy a season ticket each year and for it to be
viable in terms of the number of games I can attend. It is plain wrong to exploit fans by overcharging
for certain key games. We already have different prices for different matches depending upon the
competition and the opponents. If we are effectively going to charge more for West Ham than we
did for the derby because the demand is there we are going to price out some of our loyalist fans
who supported this club through the bad times.

Platingum cost £50.00 more than gold. If they can afford to go Plzen, Moscow and Barcelona. then I think £50.00 extra on a season is not beyond them. You have a choice. Fans dont have a right to go to away europian, however many others they have been to. I know some who don't go to any champions league home games but go to the away games. Does that make them a better fan, I don't think so.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
MaineRoadBlue said:
Well I for one am glad that those within the Marketing/Ticketing departments have clearly come to their senses with regard to the Final 5 Bundle concept.

In short they are either that busy with other ideas and have completely forgotten about this flawed money grabbing and divisive idea or, as I would prefer to think, learnt from their Champions League Bundle fiasco that left a bitter taste with so many.

Let's hope it's the latter.

What was up with the CL bundle?

The Champions League Bundle was another attempt by the club to shoehorn people into buying things they really didn't want or need under the illusion it was the only way they had access to what they really wanted.

Because the Bayern Munich home game was the 1st of the 3 home games the initial sales criteria only allowed purchase of the bundle rather than the individual Bayern Munich game! In fact it was only when they realised that the fuck wit who designed it, had managed to find a marketing plan which was that flawed it rivaled City Circle, did they panic and finally allow individual one off sales for that Bayern game!

Even then it was too late and the attendance was 2000 below capacity. Not only had it cost the club a full house, it also pissed many fans off that much that they refused to make the £100 commitment and completely blanked this season's group games.

The result was that we failed to sell out any of the games and were forced to flog the majority of the unsold/unwanted tickets for the final 2 group games to students for £20 after those who had made the supposed money saving commitment of the bundle purchase had paid £28 for those same 2 games!

That my friend was 'what was wrong with the CL Bundle' In short a greed driven scheme that mugged off loyal fans and then came back to bite the club in the arse after pissing a lot of people off to boot.
MaineRoadBlue said:
Well they just couldn't resist it could they. Not a Final 5, but nonetheless a final 3!

It does look a lot but when we played QPR I would have paid more than that for the 1 ticket, and low and behold I could not get one, I would ask this question would you rather pay £141 for 3 games and see us having a go at the title or leave it until last 1 or 2 home games and pay touts more than double that figure? I understand in a perfect world this would not happen, buy success brings this with it.

If you don't pay it someone else will, its that simple.

BTW the experience of supporting City for over 40 years and not getting in to the QPR game prompted me to by S/T since.

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