Finsbury Park mosque attack

What i find really depressing is that a significant number of westernised muslim classmates, friends or colleagues i have who are educated professionals, are let down so badly by the press and politicians. They are basically left to fend fir themselves against tremendous social pressures from Orthodox elements.

The root cause of the problem is that instead of supporting the progressives who would drive reform they support instead the worst, most religious elements.

Just crazy
It's usually because their minds have been closed off with threats of what's going to happen to them in the next life if they dare to extend the envelope and think for themselves.
Finsbury Park mosque has been described as an ISIS training camp rather than a place of quiet contemplation, given the number of hate preachers who have appeared there and should've been shut down years ago.

This forum has been described as a haven for right wing white nationalists. Descriptions are not always accurate
Small point of order here regarding media conduct.

There's a difference between this and the London/Manchester terrorist attacks not just in the skin colour/culture but the much more important fact that the terrorist is still alive and in Police custody. This means the newspapers have to fall under some much more severe rules about what they say and don't say, what they show and don't show, and generally how they can behave about the incident. They can't potentially prejudice a trial.

Here's an article on past trials that have been prejudiced by media and it's important to remember when drawing any conclusions comparing "media outrage" or other such ideas:
Busy morning so Just heard about this. Fucking shocking and frankly worrying that the cat seems to be out of the bag and now we will have revenge copycat attacks by those equally deranged on both sides of this divide. There was another guy arrested with a knife near parliament the other day but it went unreported due to the fire. Now this. There are many more cunts in the world than I had previously assumed.
This is getting out of hand and it is going to get very messy. The only people to suffer will be innocent law abiding citizens. To use an old expression, there is trouble at mill.
Finsbury Park mosque has been described as an ISIS training camp rather than a place of quiet contemplation, given the number of hate preachers who have appeared there and should've been shut down years ago.

Now this complete fool has just ignited the whole situation.

RIP to those murdered.
It was shut down years ago after Abu Hamza was preaching there but has since reopened with new staff in place.
My old gaffer many many years ago warned me there would be a civil war in this country,it seems his thoughts are getting closer by the week,2 wrongs don't make a right,but a can of worms is well and truly opened now
Busy morning so Just heard about this. Fucking shocking and frankly worrying that the cat seems to be out of the bag and now we will have revenge copycat attacks by those equally deranged on both sides of this divide. There was another guy arrested with a knife near parliament the other day but it went unreported due to the fire. Now this. There are many more cunts in the world than I had previously assumed.

it was reported... i saw it on the news

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