Food & Service Issues 2014/15 (merged)

the day i pay 7 quid for one of their burgers and a few scabby chips is the day i want my head testing.

all the prices have increased, not at inflation rates, but nice round figures of 50p and a pound.

they obviously sell enough to make it worthwhile, but if they think has a family i am going to part with 15-30 quid for the crap they dish up they will have a long wait.

sensible pricing and i will part with some money, 3 quid for about 20 scabby fries isn't innovative or enticing.
jrb said:
chris85mcfc said:
Perhaps Jamie, or some of his team, should turn up on matchday and get a real experience of the task that is ahead for them

I can't imagine he has ever had to deal with thousands of fans that all want food and drink at the same time in a 15 minute window

Isn't that the real problem?

Trying to serve 1000's of fans in a 15 minute window to a satisfactory level is pretty much impossible, regardless of the provisions you put in place. And by saying that, I'm not making excuses for City. Go to any event, be it sporting, a concert, the Christmas Markets, etc, and you will always end up queuing and waiting to be served. And that's without the 15minute window.

They can only make provisions as best they can, it is almost impossible to serve quickly in such a short time slot.

I do think that having basics like a multi-pump is a start tho?

And then the next step could be to ensure they have enough food stock, even if it results in wastage. Might sound pedantic but if someone gets to the front and asks for a Balti pie and there aren't any, the person then has to rethink and look over the menu again resulting in more time waiting for other customers.

The best way to resolve it is just don't buy the food and drink in the ground. Again it might sound pedantic but I don't see how someone can moan about having to queue up for 15 minutes to then find out that what they want is out of stock, but then they will go and queue again the week later.

You know what service you are going to get, its going to be average. So instead of people moaning just drink and eat outside the ground instead.

Personally I don't spend any money in the ground, can't get my head around why people rush to queue up for a beer or a pie and then spend the next week moaning about it to then go and repeat themselves the following game.
chris85mcfc said:
jrb said:
chris85mcfc said:
Perhaps Jamie, or some of his team, should turn up on matchday and get a real experience of the task that is ahead for them

I can't imagine he has ever had to deal with thousands of fans that all want food and drink at the same time in a 15 minute window

Isn't that the real problem?

Trying to serve 1000's of fans in a 15 minute window to a satisfactory level is pretty much impossible, regardless of the provisions you put in place. And by saying that, I'm not making excuses for City. Go to any event, be it sporting, a concert, the Christmas Markets, etc, and you will always end up queuing and waiting to be served. And that's without the 15minute window.

They can only make provisions as best they can, it is almost impossible to serve quickly in such a short time slot.

I do think that having basics like a multi-pump is a start tho?

And then the next step could be to ensure they have enough food stock, even if it results in wastage. Might sound pedantic but if someone gets to the front and asks for a Balti pie and there aren't any, the person then has to rethink and look over the menu again resulting in more time waiting for other customers.

The best way to resolve it is just don't buy the food and drink in the ground. Again it might sound pedantic but I don't see how someone can moan about having to queue up for 15 minutes to then find out that what they want is out of stock, but then they will go and queue again the week later.

You know what service you are going to get, its going to be average. So instead of people moaning just drink and eat outside the ground instead.

Personally I don't spend any money in the ground, can't get my head around why people rush to queue up for a beer or a pie and then spend the next week moaning about it to then go and repeat themselves the following game.

Once again Chris, you make some valid points.

Ask any catering establishment/business what they don't want, and it's left over food, which = wa£te/loss.

This is a very basic example, but go to most chip shops at five to two in the Afternoon, and they will only have the odd pie or sausage left, plus a portion or two of chips. No business or fast food outlet wants to be left with peis, burgers, chips(fish), etc, at the end of the day/event. especially those that won't reheat them.(City)

TBH it's a very fine balancing act. That said, there's nothing worst than not having anything to sell. In the end People just won't bother.
jrb said:
blingy said:
bgblue said:
Tell me more...

Qjacker ...

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Quite amusing and looks to be done at etihad ..

Sorry if already posted

Good find.

I, quite amusing.

The worst case scenario being, the majority will Qjack, and everyone will have to queue up. :-?

Would save a little time messing about with a till and change etc, but can't see that it will eradicate queue as we will have to queue to collect and there is the chance that we will get flat drinks and cold food as it could be sat there a while if they start prepping them straight after kick off..
Food & Service Issues 2014/15 (merged)

It's just about being imaginative with serving at peak times. Express tills, runners, makers, items ready to serve etc. Time is precious in fast food catering and it's just a balance with knowing or pre-empting the customer orders. Waiting for someone to open a sache of coffee to then put it in a cup, then pour water in it, then get milk and sugar out is a waste of time. Just have them ready! Simples... For alchohol just have them ready for runners to pick. If the queue gets lower just make less!!!
jrb said:
I may have started the said thread? But if I didn't, I certainly contributed to it. I don't hide behind my posts.

I was one of the people invited by the club to that event. I went with an open mind, and I'm certainly not up the club's arse, or the arse of anyone who works at the club. I have met people high up who work for City, but I don't name drop, or pretend I'm in anyway important because of who I've met and spoken to at City. That aside, I haven't been invited back to the club in any capacity since, so I must have done something wrong. ;-)

As I've already stated, I went to that event with an open mind. Good or bad, I would have posted it on here. Of course we were given the full fanfare.(excuse the pun) We were treated like Kings and Queens for a couple of hours, and nothing was too much trouble for the club or Fanfare.

The food that was brought out was excellent. And yes, it was always going to be. There wasn't a chance in hell that the food wouldn't look or taste good. 1st reviews are makers or breakers in most cases, so they had to get it right, even catering for a handful of people. On a personal level I ate the first burger in full, and part of the Hot Dog which followed. After that I didn't have anything else, even though the food came thick and fast. After the tasting was over Jamie Oliver did his speech, so did a representative from Legends Hospitality, and finally one of he club officials responsible for the catering at City. After that was over we got together and had a question and answer session with Jamie Oliver, Legends Hospitality, and the club officials.

I'm the ugly b****** in the picture. ;-)


<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -fan-fayre</a>

During that question and answer session numerous things were put forward to the club, Jamie Oliver, and Legends. TBH it wasn't anything they didn't already know, but they listened, responded, and played along.

We stated that the quality and appearance of the food had to stay the same, regardless of the demand. We questioned the increases in prices. We were assured they would be minimal, and they reflected the better ingredients used in the food. We mentioned time and again about poor service, not enough staff, etc, etc. We were assured extra staff would be taken on and trained. We discussed numerous ideas to try and improve service, paying etc. Yes it was a talking shop, but it felt like we touched on a lot of issues that still haven't been addressed properly by the club.(there you go I've admitted it)

What I reported back from the event was the truth, and nothing more. The food was good, the questions we asked were noted and would be addressed, and the overall feeling was that City and Fanfayre were upping the anti as regards food and service on matchdays. That's what came across, rightly or wrongly.

The event aside. Whether people agree with me or not, the food has improved since the previous incumbents were replaced by Fanfayre. Others may disagree? That's fair enough. Once again from a personal point of view, there are more staff at the bars, and in general they are better trained than those who worked for the previous incumbents. That aside, there are still plenty of issues to be resolved. Have City and Fanayre done enough? Probably not. Are they still trying? Yes they probably are, but they need to do much more.

Nobody is questioning the fact that what you posted was nothing but what you were told or led to believe. Nobody at all. It is more than clear the powers that be at the club in charge of the catering have failed to deliver what they promised by some considerable margin.

Has the quality & range of the food increased? Yes it has - no question.
Has the service improved. No it hasn't. I genuinely believe it's gone backwards. It is poor. Very poor indeed.
Have the prices increased? Yes they have. By some considerable margin.
I am sure the club are trying but we were told the club had been working on it for a year before they launched things.
It is now a year later since the launch. So after two years of working on it service wise it has gone backwards.
You have been let down and the match going fans have been let down.
Are we surprised? No we are not.
Are we disappointed? Yes. A lot.
bluesoup said:
It's just about being imaginative with serving at peak times. Express tills, runners, makers, items ready to serve etc. Time is precious in fast food catering and it's just a balance with knowing or pre-empting the customer orders. Waiting for someone to open a sache of coffee to then put it in a cup, then pour water in it, then get milk and sugar out is a waste of time. Just have them ready! Simples... For alchohol just have them ready for runners to pick. If the queue gets lower just make less!!!

Organisation, innovation and enthusiasm is what they need. I could sort them out within a month!!
BlueBearBoots said:
bluesoup said:
It's just about being imaginative with serving at peak times. Express tills, runners, makers, items ready to serve etc. Time is precious in fast food catering and it's just a balance with knowing or pre-empting the customer orders. Waiting for someone to open a sache of coffee to then put it in a cup, then pour water in it, then get milk and sugar out is a waste of time. Just have them ready! Simples... For alchohol just have them ready for runners to pick. If the queue gets lower just make less!!!

Organisation, innovation and enthusiasm is what they need. I could sort them out within a month!!
Yep. It's not fucking rocket science. I was in the queue for beer at half time during the Liverpool game, and there are just not enough staff on. Same amount of staff, vastly overpriced product. The club can have as many focus groups as they want, and meet as many fans for a chit chat, but as with any company, they will squeeze every penny out of the fans by putting in as little as possible. For me, on this front, they are cunts.
Never go to the stadium hungry or you are fucked, price and portions a joke.

Can't even make coffee, has anybody from the club tasted the shite excuse for coffee ?

Then if after half time you are gagging for even water or warm drink like chocolate it's shutters down fk you !
I appreciate it's 2145/15, but nothing has changed much.


From the PL football thread on SSC. Discussing food, drink, service, prices.

Posted by JTS, a Spurs fan.

Spurs have just announced some new details for the new WHL. There will be a 87m (285ft) general admission bar and a system that can deliver 10,000 pints of beer per minute. There is also an on-site microbrewery (presumably separate from the 10,000 pint per minute system).

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