Football Governance Bill (Independent Regulator)

As the Post Office enquiry has demonstrated, when Government gets involved in anything it just drags on for years with an unsatisfactory outcome.

This will be a complete white elephant.
Independent regulation has failed in most other industries so I’m not optimistic long-term but the PL has disgraced itself so something had to be done. The PL has been an amazing global success but the senior leadership has allowed itself to become corrupted. It’s an own goal by the cartel clubs.
Masters is the PL CEO but he has fellow board members and the shareholders namely the clubs vote on changes and imposition of rules.As I say some sort of check mechanism
UEFa dictated the introduction of FFP the National Leagues had no choice but to introduce similar rules.
The regulator will do absolutely nothing re investment, re appointing a PL CEO,the PGMOL.
As for transparency in what area are you expecting for more to be put in the public domain ?
Masters has been the problem. He has been manipulated by certain clubs. Too many decisions have happened behind closed doors. The PL hierarchy has not been impartial.
You lost me at "Masters ... has some sort of check mechanism in place".

The good thing out of all this is that there will be some accountability in place, in public I imagine. That can only be a good thing. The PL is too opaque.

Get him to explain why investment in the game is bad. Get him to explain why the current rules ring fence five or six big clubs. Get him to explain how his successor will be picked. How he was chosen. Get him to explain why refereeing is so opaque. The regulator won't be making many decisions, I imagine, but if it just imposes a degree of accountability and transparency then that is better then we have now. Remove the secrecy.

Getting a sports-experienced KC to head it is a good start. Not holding my breath, but hopeful. If the legacy clubs (and I use that word in a derogatory sense, like "legacy fan") don't like it, it's fine with me.
Spot on, great post.
Hopefully the govn will all the PL why one of the worlds greatest sports packages is not allowed to grow, is mainly set up to give an advantage for the major stakeholder clubs, is allowing all that debt for utd (for example) but not allowing others!

This sport package can really be beneficial to this country, bring in a lot of money, yet the red clubs are selling it to corporate America.
Independent regulation has failed in most other industries so I’m not optimistic long-term but the PL has disgraced itself so something had to be done. The PL has been an amazing global success but the senior leadership has allowed itself to become corrupted. It’s an own goal by the cartel clubs.

I am coming to the conclusion, at least beginning to consider the possibility, that the American owned clubs are dead set on an ESL (they are all hanging around, I see) where they can influence the sport with their "US-based" ideas. They aren't stupid. They realised the last attempt failed because the fans weren't on board. What better way to get the fans of the big clubs on board than to ruin the reputation of the PL with ridiculous FFP penalties, continual stupid new rules and, of course, the crowning turd in the water pipe, the case against City that they know they have no hope of proving. All get supporters frothing at the mouth, exacerbated by a compliant and, quite frankly, brainless media chasing clicks not the truth.

If I was any one of those clubs, I would look on the last year as a job well done. But not completed yet. Watch the fallout when relegation isn't decided until the summer and City's case isn't decided until next season. And then imagine what is going to happen when the club is cleared. It's becoming so predictable as to be a coincidence no longer, in my humble and paranoid opinion :)
Independent regulation has failed in most other industries so I’m not optimistic long-term but the PL has disgraced itself so something had to be done. The PL has been an amazing global success but the senior leadership has allowed itself to become corrupted. It’s an own goal by the cartel clubs.
Independent regulation from the PL for ten or a dozen clubs and then the most biased regulation for the rest! Once yer start putting the 'acceptability' of a CEO to a couple of clubs yer know how the game works. And the shambles with EFC 'n Forest just underlines how the governance of the game matches the execrable arbitration of the game! The PL doesn't give a tuppeny shit just so long as the money rolls in.
Masters has been the problem. He has been manipulated by certain clubs. Too many decisions have happened behind closed doors. The PL hierarchy has not been impartial.
It never has been,and there are many many examples of its partial decisions.

Perhaps the clearest indication of this was Scudamore's statement of

" The Premier League needs a successful Manchester U....."

Clear and Obvious !!

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