Forget Lescott! Stick with Nedum Onuoha

Agree. He was a class act tonight...AND still got Vinny K to come back aswell, who could partner Toure this season. Leave Lescott there to rattled Moyes more!
Re: Forget Lescott! Stick with Nedum Onuhoa

honestly, i prefer ned, and i prefer dunne, over lescott.
dunne has given, for me, 2 brillaint performances in his last two games, why splash 30million, is now what everton want, on someone who's going to need time to gel with how we play, and as were in the season now, its not ideal to see messing about with your defence, i reckon we leave him, tell everton to stick him where the sun don't shine :)

my opinion though, jus what i think :)
His passing when he plays centrehalf is fine,and at the end of last season he was bringing the ball out of defense very well.He is not really a fullback although if we were playing against a team that had a very quick or tricky left winger Ned would probably be better than micah or Zab at stopping them.
Ned will replace Dunnie - sorry to say - good cover for right back as well along with Zab - Ned pushed Superman close for MOM tonight - well done blue shirted heroes.....KTF for Saturday....
I couldn't agree more, bollocks to Lescott, lets face it, we don't really need him, i feel that the team already have a solid back 4, and i have faith in Nedum, Dunnie, Kalo and Tal as great center backs. They have all improved massively especially Tal.

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