Forgotten Away Days 3 - 1989 - Oxford Utd

black mamba said:
I was there that day ..... as i was every time we went to the Manor Gound ...... i loved the place , and the suburb , so homely , so leafy ....... probably the worst toilet facilities i've ever seen anywhere though!

Away end at Elm Park, I'm sure there were unknown species of fungus growing up the walls above the urinals!
was this the game where loads of stuff was getting slung at their keeper? I distinctly remember the chain and wooded handle from the bogs and a bottle of whiskey on top of the net. In the end the OB came in - put safety specs on and drew their truncheons and forced everyone back.

Oxford had won Britains tidiest town or something so on the train everyone ripped up all the news papers into small bits and then emptied it all out of the bus window on the way to the ground.

Im not condoning any of this - just reminiscing. ;)
Oxford away in 85 was a laugh- apart from the result. Sure Oxford got a pen in front of us in the second half, and one of our chaps scaled the fence and booted the ball of the spot. AND still manages to get back into our end!
Good call, one of the most surreal games I've been to
At half time a Jewish guy in front of me was bemoaning City and how crap we were, the worst City team ever blah blah blah
At full time the same guy was walking in front of me saying 'what a team, best performance ever blah blah blah'
A typical City season captured in one game
I went to that one, 3 of us went down on the Friday and slept in the car, also stayed the Saturday and after the match gatecrashed a student party. We pulled 3 birds and thought we were on for a bed for the night (and a jump of course), when we got to their student accommodation they went in and brought us down 3 blankets and told us about the bike shed around the back :(. We also blew up my mates Volkswagon Derby on the way back, we'd broke down on the M6 on the Sunday morning around Birmingham, the car needed oil, we climbed over the fence at the side of the motorway and ended up in the middle of a housing estate, we got directions to the nearest petrol station and headed there to nick some oil as none of us had any money left. I was given the task of nicking it whilst my two mates kept the attendant occupied, I did the deed and we headed back to the car, we opened the bonnet and poured in the oil. It got us to Newcastle-under-lyne where we had to pull off due to the mass of black smoke coming from the car, just as we pulled off the car blew, it was then we realised that I'd nicked diesel oil, doh. My mate stayed with his car and me and the other lad jumped a lift back to Manc, well we had tickets to watch The Wedding Present at Middleton Civic Hall that night!
My alcohol hazed memories of this trip were a group of us cracking open the first tinnies before 8 a.m. as the service train pulled out of Manchester and after the game a group of about 25 City fans commandeered an empty "Busy Bee" bus on the main road at the end of the passage behind the away end, which was showing "out of service" .

The driver's first stop was on request at the off licence just outside Oxford Station at which point the bus emptied, much to the relief of the driver-happy days indeed.
I remember Kinky ripping them apart about twenty years ago

Oldham get bigger crowds

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