Four-year-old boy killed by dog


Well-Known Member
24 Sep 2008
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 386023.stm</a>

FFS I despair. How many more times is this going to happen before positive steps are taken to eradicate all dangerous dogs
Why is it this always seems to happen in Liverpool? Is there some sort of dog breeding industry there?
every dog has the ability to be dangerous from the smallest to the largest most of them were bred to kill something,

it's not always the dog, but all dogs have that switch in there head that could just click.
The parents must be absolutely devastated ... these kind of dogs absolutely terrify me (I cross the road if I see one, even if it's muzzled and on a lead) but for the sake of me I don't understand parents keeping those sort of dogs with young children. I know any dog can "turn" given enough provocation but ... do the parents who have these type of dogs keep them to make them look "hard" ? I had to take my dog to the vets last month (he's a Schitzu X Yorkie) and this chav sat next to me with his huge Staff, I got up and moved across the room and he gave me a bollocking !! Said if I show fear it will only make the dog worse and I shouldn't be afraid of it ... well sorry but I am and I'm not excusing myself for it ... I think the laws about keeping these dogs should be re looked at, especially where children are concerned.

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