Foxhunters - a protected ethnic minority?

I hate toff activities like fox hunting but to be fair to them I think the idea that it is cruel is a stretch when most of us would stamp the fuck out of a mouse if there was one in the house. Mouse, rabbit, fox - not much difference really.

People love their animals but munch away daily on cow, sheep, chickens, etc without a problem.

And fuck "the animal rights extremist movement" - they are as bad as the toffs. Probably most are runaway toffs anyway.

God, the season can't come soon enough. :-)

A mouse or a rat gets in my house, I set a trap and kill them, because they are pests infesting my house, I don't actively go out and kill them randomly for fun or a jolly day out.

I eat meat and have no issue with animals bred for food being killed, again bred for food and killed humanely for a purpose to provide substinance, not for fun and games

I wouldn't chase, torture and murder an animal for a day out or as a game and my amusement, only a **** would imho
Wonder if racists or nonces can also claim they’re an ethnic minority? Bellends

It's just another form of racism.

Racists usually try to claim a pass for racism under protected speech. Works in the USA. Doesn't over here.

Could see the argument if they came at in from another angle, Muslims* and Jews are allowed to cause what would otherwise be unnecessary suffering to livestock being slaughtered, to make Halal and and Kosher food.

*Majority of halal meat is from stunned animals. Kosher meat animals aren't stunned.

A cultural exemption rather than a racial one.

There's a big difference between unnecessary suffering and grauituous barbarism for laughs though. So not sure that would ever pass.

Unless the Toffs are claiming that their inbreeding has made them a distinct racial group?
My mates dad’s a farmer and years ago we were on his farm and we could hear a fox hunt approaching, so we went out towards the road where they were crossing.
One of the murdering cunts stopped on his horse and asked my mates dad ‘if he’d seen a fox come past’
My mates dad replied ‘no but even if I had I certainly wouldn’t tell you’
Quite appalled by this the **** said ‘you’re a farmer you must understand the problems foxes cause’
My mates dad response summed the situation up perfectly ‘if I have a problem with foxes then I’ll either trap them or shoot them, I certainly wouldn’t chase it for miles with a blood hungry pack of dogs with the foxes heart pumping out of it’s chest as it runs for it’s life, only to be ripped to pieces by your dogs, now fuck off you absolute ****’
They never stopped again : )
Certainly shouldn’t be tolerated in this day and age.
It’s barbaric.

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