Correct. But this also means it is a fundamental problem within Islam and not the lone wolf odd bunch of nutters problem that it is frequently portrayed as by some.
It's not a problem within Islam per se, it was a historical and social problem in which people felt that their culture was being eroded by Western Christian liberalism and were being continuously invaded/divided by those countries for the purposes of resources or greater tactical positions. The Islamic fascists attempted to galvanise this by focusing on a very specific time in Arab history and claimed the liberalism of Islam was at fault for all of the other problems.
I'll try to explain the exact same point in a way you might find more palatable. This is literally the same point with the names changed around.
It is not the fault of the British Conservatives that the BNP exist, despite the BNP claiming a cherry picked and extreme version of the British Conservative agenda as their own. The BNP exist because of reasons stemming from cultural disenfranchisement and plain hatred/racism, the fact that they use an extreme version of the Conservative agenda will certainly not hurt their recruitment odds amongst Conservatives who are moving more to the right wing but it is not the cause of it an more than socialism was the cause of the Nazi Party nor communism was the cause of the Soviet Union under Stalin
Now the BNP might be Conservatives, but it isn't the fault of David Cameron that they exist nor should we be looking to control the Conservative agenda to ensure that it does not grow. Most Conservatives are hard working people whose politics has little to do with their every day life and just want to live in a peaceful world. Just because the BNP don't preach this doesn't mean that it is an innate flaw in a Conservative way of thinking.
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