Fukushima - The cover-up, the lies, the facts & the figures

des hardi said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
I think we all know what happens next.

that s what was in my dream.... except it was flipper with a lazer cannon on his head.... he was in with a bad crowd.

Damocles said:
I challenge your understanding of what an independent scientific source is.

They're independent of nuclear power. They hold no vested interests in the technology and it isn't in their interests to promote the technology like it is the IAEA's.

They have an agenda of course, but it's nigh on impossible to find a truly impartial and independent source of information when it comes to nuclear power.

The link I posted contains scientific data from numerous studies and can prove itself a valuable resource for those who may wish to gauge the other side of the heavily sanitised and distorted nuclear debate.

One of my biggest qualms with the industry is that there's no truly independent and/or respected resource of information. When we find ourselves in the midst of a crisis it's left to the likes of the IAEA who are given the responsibility of keeping the public informed of the dangers while providing an accurate portrayal of developments. This is despite it being entirely against their interests to do so, it goes against their rhetoric.

They (among others) tamper with data and falsify for personal gain, they misrepresent and they distort.

The data that can be found on the site I posted is reputable and free of vested interests. It may not be entirely free of an agenda, but unless you can propose an alternative resource, you'll have to forgive me for attempting to readdress the balance.
I was shocked by the government aide who responded to the Fukushima disaster by preparing colleagues to defend nuclear development, even before the full story of what had happened became clear.

I'm confident that the executives in all multinational businesses do not give a flying fuck about what happens to ordinary working class people if they stand in the way of fat profits. News Corp and BP are recent examples.<br /><br />-- Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:19 pm --<br /><br />The big wigs at multinationals don't care about ordinary working people if they stand in the way of profits. BP and News Corp are two recent examples.

I am no longer surprised at the disregard that human beings will show for the welfare of other human beings in pursuit of their own comfort. Instinctive compassion is a myth.

Confident that UCW's fears will come to pass.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Right when Dabz is involved it has to be a conspiracy theory so my 1 question is

Where is buzzer1?

Have the Illuminati jailed him for tax evasion???

Whats wrong with you? Did your only functional braincell die?
uncle charlie wilson said:
Damocles said:
I challenge your understanding of what an independent scientific source is.

They're independent of nuclear power. They hold no vested interests in the technology and it isn't in their interests to promote the technology like it is the IAEA's.

They have an agenda of course, but it's nigh on impossible to find a truly impartial and independent source of information when it comes to nuclear power.

The link I posted contains scientific data from numerous studies and can prove itself a valuable resource for those who may wish to gauge the other side of the heavily sanitised and distorted nuclear debate.

One of my biggest qualms with the industry is that there's no truly independent and/or respected resource of information. When we find ourselves in the midst of a crisis it's left to the likes of the IAEA who are given the responsibility of keeping the public informed of the dangers while providing an accurate portrayal of developments. This is despite it being entirely against their interests to do so, it goes against their rhetoric.

They (among others) tamper with data and falsify for personal gain, they misrepresent and they distort.

The data that can be found on the site I posted is reputable and free of vested interests. It may not be entirely free of an agenda, but unless you can propose an alternative resource, you'll have to forgive me for attempting to readdress the balance.

"Biased, agenda driven data is better than no data"

Well, here's we will have to disagree. Also, there's millions of proper scientific papers (not automatically created gifs) on nuclear power that you can read yourself. Try Google Scholar.<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:55 pm --<br /><br />Also, I wouldn't even call that place "reputable". It's scaremongering and entirely transparent. They admit that they cannot be granted a charitable status because they have a biased view of the issue and they slant their coverage to fit.

Also, they engage in huge conspiracy theories without a single piece of evidence to support them apart from coincidences and doublespeak.
BulgarianPride said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Right when Dabz is involved it has to be a conspiracy theory so my 1 question is

Where is buzzer1?

Have the Illuminati jailed him for tax evasion???

Whats wrong with you? Did your only functional braincell die?

Whats wrong with you? Where did I insult anyone, I asked where buzzer is because i haven't seen him on these off topic discussions lately

You ****

I feel better now
Damocles said:
uncle charlie wilson said:
Damocles said:
I challenge your understanding of what an independent scientific source is.

They're independent of nuclear power. They hold no vested interests in the technology and it isn't in their interests to promote the technology like it is the IAEA's.

They have an agenda of course, but it's nigh on impossible to find a truly impartial and independent source of information when it comes to nuclear power.

The link I posted contains scientific data from numerous studies and can prove itself a valuable resource for those who may wish to gauge the other side of the heavily sanitised and distorted nuclear debate.

One of my biggest qualms with the industry is that there's no truly independent and/or respected resource of information. When we find ourselves in the midst of a crisis it's left to the likes of the IAEA who are given the responsibility of keeping the public informed of the dangers while providing an accurate portrayal of developments. This is despite it being entirely against their interests to do so, it goes against their rhetoric.

They (among others) tamper with data and falsify for personal gain, they misrepresent and they distort.

The data that can be found on the site I posted is reputable and free of vested interests. It may not be entirely free of an agenda, but unless you can propose an alternative resource, you'll have to forgive me for attempting to readdress the balance.

"Biased, agenda driven data is better than no data"

Well, here's we will have to disagree. Also, there's millions of proper scientific papers (not automatically created gifs) on nuclear power that you can read yourself. Try Google Scholar.

-- Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:55 pm --

Also, I wouldn't even call that place "reputable". It's scaremongering and entirely transparent. They admit that they cannot be granted a charitable status because they have a biased view of the issue and they slant their coverage to fit.

Also, they engage in huge conspiracy theories without a single piece of evidence to support them apart from coincidences and doublespeak.

Could you provide an example?

Either way, the site will likely remain one of the resources I use to seek regular scientific updates on the legacy Fukushima leaves in its wake.

You might be sceptical, but I'd sooner trust them to accurately report the data than I would their equally agenda driven counterparts. And I'll repeat, if you can't propose an alternative resource for the above purpose then why are you debating the nuances of my embedded link?
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Right when Dabz is involved it has to be a conspiracy theory so my 1 question is

Where is buzzer1?

Have the Illuminati jailed him for tax evasion???
Where's the conspiracy?
If paying attention to whats going on in the world is a "conspiracy theory", Then Im guilty as charged. There IS an on going cover up over the Japan situation whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

But hey! If it isn't directly affecting you then who cares eh?

-dabz- said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Right when Dabz is involved it has to be a conspiracy theory so my 1 question is

Where is buzzer1?

Have the Illuminati jailed him for tax evasion???
Where's the conspiracy?
If paying attention to whats going on in the world is a "conspiracy theory", Then Im guilty as charged. There IS an on going cover up over the Japan situation whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.

But hey! If it isn't directly affecting you then who cares eh?


oooo thats a bit harsh. Not quite bulgarianpride i'll be a **** for the sake of it harsh but still harsh. How would you know if this affects me or not?? My cousin is living out that way so maybe it does affect me but hey you must of known that to make the comment you did

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