Game of Thrones

so was that Theons sister hanging off the boat at the end or was she taken prisoner or did he just take the Dorne bird as a prisoner?

The sand snakes nymera and obera(spelt wrong), their sister , mother and yara are eurons presents for cersi .
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I respectfully disagree.

The writing has taken a sharp decline. Everything was signposted to such an extent that you knew exactly what was going to happen.

The subtlety of the show is long gone. At it's peak it didn't have to rely on large set pieces. In fact until the battle of Blackwater, there was hardly any large battles showcased at all, everything was implied, and the show didn't need it because everything else was so taut. Now it's just pandering.

Agree, I was a bit surprised by several elements in Episode 2 (Which was significantly weaker than the premier, IMHO). I particularly feel this way since I am, in parallel, rewatching the series with my wife who is watching it for the first time - we are in the 4th season currently. So, the older episodes are quite fresh and there is a discernible difference atm which is likely linked (As others have pointed out) to the departure from the books and Martin's lack of direction in terms of writing.

It was not poor per se but in the context of the series, it was weak and felt like staging for scenes/episodes upcoming
Jon Snow and the dragon girl could make quite a formidable force, bit like Chicarito and Carrol next season.

As for Euron ... was he under the orders of Cersei to carry out that attack ?

Was it just reek and the other greyjoy lass army that got attacked or was some of dragon girls army hit aswell ?
Jon Snow and the dragon girl could make quite a formidable force, bit like Chicarito and Carrol next season.

As for Euron ... was he under the orders of Cersei to carry out that attack ?

Was it just reek and the other greyjoy lass army that got attacked or was some of dragon girls army hit aswell ?

Euron lead the attacks he could bring a hostage/s as an offering for Cersie.
It was only the Greyjoys fleet that was attacked.... the unsullied are still heading towards Castlery Rock.
Jon Snow and the dragon girl could make quite a formidable force, bit like Chicarito and Carrol next season.

As for Euron ... was he under the orders of Cersei to carry out that attack ?

Was it just reek and the other greyjoy lass army that got attacked or was some of dragon girls army hit aswell ?

They are brother and sister after all

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