Gareth Barry

Shaelumstash said:
NipHolmes said:
Petetheblu said:
Ever since that England v Germany match where Gazza was the only player who tried to keep his position, whilst his team mate's went to sleep, where a 19 year old whippet (Ozil) out pace a 27 year old bloke who's never had pace and should have never had to be in that position anyway. People have had it in for him, he's almost become the embarrassing turrets mate on a night out at a classy restaurant.

Well for the last two seasons he's more than held his own in a fantastic league winning side and I might add, at long periods our best player.

Some of the crap aimed at Barry is embarrassing and reaks of school boy analysis.

His legs are slowing and he loses the ball quite often. Compare his passing range from deep with Yaya and it's way below. Fernandinho likes to run with teh ball and can do Barrys jonb, again Barry is below that level. Rodwell can tackle as good as Barry, he has an engine on him and he like to run forward too. Barry again is lacking.

Barry has experience, he can read games very well but make no mistake he is waning. Compare him to the other likely top 6 teams for player in the same position.

United - Carrick
Chelsea - Luiz/Mikel
Arsenal - Arteta/Diaby
Spurs - Sandro/Paulinho
Liverpool - Lucas

I'd only give him the no over Mikel and Arteta (who is a better passer but not as good as a defender obviously). That speaks volumes for me. Why would a team aiming for the top keep a player who struggles to get into the likes of Liverpool or Spurs? Barry is a very expensive squad option for us to keep. He is a warrior like figure who brakes play, roughs teams up and keeps things ticking. The problem comes when our opponents have more pace and aren't frightened to target Barry and therefore give him a nightmare. We won the title with him and for that he deserves respect, we must look at the future rather than dwell on the past. Time to move on and have younger players who are our future in our main point of focus. Any games spare when we mull over Barry and Rodwell must be given to Rodwell this season and we say Goodbye in the summer.
Say what you want about Barry, but to say he gives the ball away a lot is just absolute bollocks. His pass completion is 86% which is one of the highest in the league.

The best thing about Barry's game though is his choice of pass. He always picks the intelligent pass, and does it quickly. You notice the difference when a less intelligent player like Milner or Garcia replace him in the middle.
Not only his choice of pass but that he works hard to create triangles and be available as a passing outlet.

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